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Pickwick's night-capped head peeping out, and the lean presentment of the lady herself, all, say, in wax, a la Tussaud. What a show and attraction that would be! The author's ingenuity was never at fault in the face of a difficulty. Mr. Pickwick was to be got to Nupkins' in a sedan chair, a grotesque incident; but then, what to do with Tupman, also arrested?

Here was every sort of trouble gathering upon me, here was Jeremy Stickles stealing upon every one in the dark; here was Uncle Reuben plotting Satan only could tell what; here was a white night-capped man coming bodily from the grave; here was my own sister Annie committed to a highwayman, and mother in distraction; most of all here, there, and where was my Lorna stolen, dungeoned, perhaps outraged.

One moment, the salt wind was whistling round my night-capped head; the next, I was crushed almost double under the weight of the helmet. But it was too late.

In a corner stood an erection like a dark oaken cupboard or wardrobe, but in the middle was an opening about a yard square through which could be seen the night-capped face of a white- headed, white-bearded old man, propped against snowy pillows. To him Randall went at once, saying, "So, gaffer, how goes it? You see I have brought company, my poor sister's sons rest her soul!"

She held a night-lamp high above her night-capped head while she inspected the boys standing on the little porch. Nestor broke into a merry laugh. "Are you thinking of burglars, Aunty Jane?" he asked. Then he added, "Burglars don't knock at doors, Aunty. They knock people on the head." "Well, of all things, Ned Nestor!" exclaimed the lady, in a tone which well matched her engaging face.

It was quite right of you to say nothing about the lady the other night when we were out together. It would breed trouble. You can't be too quiet, Jo." "I am fly, master!" And so, good night. A ghostly shade, frilled and night-capped, follows the law- stationer to the room he came from and glides higher up.

By and by came three or four withered women and stood whispering around the corpse, peering at it through their spectacles, holding up their skinny hands, shaking their night-capped heads, and taking counsel of one another's experience what was to be done. With those tire-women we left Zenobia. Blithedale, thus far in its progress, had never found the necessity of a burial-ground.

They ascended to the topmost of the mountain stages, to another caravanserai of tourists, whence the singular people emerge in morning darkness night-capped and blanketed, and behold the great orb of day at his birth he them. Walking slowly beside Clotilde on the mountain way, Alvan said: 'Two wishes! Mine was in your breast. You wedded yours to it. At last! and we are one.

On entering the Rue des Marmouzets he saw several lights at the windows and night-capped heads thrust out, and good wenches, gay girls, housewives, husbands, and young ladies, all of them are just out of bed, looking at each other as if a robber were being led to execution by torchlight.

All at once, a deep, sepulchral groan came from abaft the mizzenmast, as if some one was being smothered in the hold below; and, almost at the same instant, there echoed from the adjacent cabin that whence the night-capped head before mentioned had popped out a shrill scream, as of a female in distress, succeeded by the exclamation, "Gracious goodness, help us and save us!