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I've brought a model I'm goin' to call the Phoebe Snow. It's the niftiest thing for early fall you ever saw." "Ratine?" "You never heard of it? That's where I get my work in it's the new lines, the novelty stuff, that gets the money." "Are you goin' in the surf this morning, Mr. Arnheim?" "I'm goin' where you go, little one." He dropped two lumps of sugar into her coffee-cup.

You take a handful of twigs in your hand, then throw 'em on to a flat rock endways, bettin' whether an odd or an even number will fall outside of a ring drawed in the dirt. After a couple of hours Mike strolled up and tipped me the wink that he'd dusted his victims. "Say," he began, "there's the niftiest chicken down here that I ever see."

Here was Miss Lydia, cool and negligent on the porch, like she'd never had a care in the world; fresh dressed in something white and blue, with her niftiest hammock stockings, and tinkling the ukulele in a bored and petulant manner. "Did you open it?" I says as I went in. "Open it?" she says, kind of blank. "Oh, you mean that silly old trunk! Yes, I believe I did. At least I think I did."

Lady Allie couldn't have been picked quite clean to the bone by the McKails, for she's announced her intention of buying a touring-car and a gasoline-engine and has had a conference with Dinky-Dunk on the matter. She also sent to Montreal for the niftiest little English sailor suit, for Dinkie, together with a sailor hat that has "Agamemnon" printed in gold letters on its band.

"There is only one Prize worth winning and that is the Love of the Niftiest Nectarine that ever came down a Crystal Stairway from the Celestial Regions to grace this dreary World with her Holy Presence. Yes, I mean the One you passed this morning the One with her hair in a Net and the Cameo Brooch.

"My old man is going to wake up in a minute and find me on his checking-account again. Charley boy better be making connections with headquarters or he won't find himself such a hit with the niftiest doll in town, eh?" "Charley, you you haven't run through those thousands and thousands and thousands the papers said you got from your granny that time?" "It was slippery, hon; somebody buttered it."

Detwiller was saying: "Well, ain't Mizzes Budlong the niftiest little gift-getter that ever held up a train? How on earth did We happen to get stung?" "I don't know, Roscoe. It's one of those things you can't get out of without getting out of town too. Here we've been and gone and skimped our own children to buy something that would show up good in Mrs.

Their two heads were very close together, and they were talking earnestly, their harsh voices clearly audible to any one who sat behind them. "I tell you, Blosser," the older man was saying as Bob unfolded his paper, "it's the niftiest little proposition I ever saw mapped out. We can't fail. Best of all, it's within the law I've been reading up on the Oklahoma statutes.

"So I've got the twin-six packed with the niftiest camp outfit you ever saw, Jack. I've got a yellow and red beach umbrella, and two reclining chairs, and well-sir, I'm going to rough it de luxe. I don't expect to keep Casey in hand I happen to know him. But it's just possible, Jack, that I can keep him in sight!" Of course I told her as I've told her often enough before that she was a brick.

In another part of the field we saw the engineers learning to make tunnels under the enemy; saw the engineers blowing up enemy trenches a pleasant and exciting spectacle; saw the engineers making camouflage, and it may interest the gentle reader to know that one of the niftiest bits of camouflage we saw was over a French seventy-five gun. It was set in the field. A rail-road siding ran to it.