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When they wanted to go from one place to another across the clear water they had various methods of propelling themselves either broad on, by rolling the log treadwise, or endways by paddling, or by jumping strongly on one end.

"I'm glad he wasn't. But if he had been, I suppose it would be sure to come out!" "Crime doesn't always come out, Miss Paulette," said Macartney. But Paulette only answered listlessly that she was not sure, one never could tell; and moved to her usual seat by the fire. I was knocked endways about Collins; for who could have been on the corduroy road if he had not.

Then I yelled with pain and rage, and lifting the Watcher endways, drove it down with both hands, as a man drives a stake into the earth, and that with so great a stroke that the skull of the wolf was shattered like a pot, and he fell dead, dragging me with him.

In the bright water lie hundreds of the shells of the fresh-water mussels, the bearers of pearls sometimes, and always lined with that of which pearls are made, the lustrous nacre. The mealy masses of dry sand beyond the river's lip are stuffed with these mussel shells. They lie all ways up, endways, sideways, on their faces, on their backs.

"I guess we've settled everything," Liosha replied sweetly. "No one can replace Mrs. Considine." I quite enjoyed our little silent walk downstairs. Evidently Jaffery's theory of primitive woman had been knocked endways; and, to judge by the faint knitting of her brow, Barbara was uneasily conscious of a mission unfulfilled. Liosha had gained her independence.

Craigin, without a doubt, and they ought to be isolated at once." "Isolated? How?" "A separate camp must be built and someone appointed to attend them." "A separate camp!" exclaimed Craigin; "I'll see them blanked first! Look here, Haines, let's have no nonsense about this. I'm three weeks, yes, a month, behind with this job here. This blank, blank muskeg is knocking the whole contract endways.

Ten minutes of apparent confusion the quick trampling of feet over the decks and staging half-a-dozen passengers hastening ashore others hurrying in the opposite direction the screeching of the steam the rattling of huge fire-logs thrust endways up the furnace at intervals the loud words of command a peal of laughter at some rude jest, or the murmur of voices in the sadder accents of adieu.

"No bleedin' fear," said Jonah; "but I feel I dunno 'ow I feel. The blasted kid knocked me endways," he explained, in confusion. As he looked down the street, he caught sight of Mrs Yabsley on the other side. She walked slowly on account of the hill, gasping for air, the weekly load of meat and groceries clutched in her powerful arms. His eyes softened with tenderness.

Another way to know is to put the egg in a pan of cold water; the fresher the egg, the sooner it will fall to the bottom; if rotten, it will swim. If you keep your eggs in ashes, salt or bran, put the small end downwards; if you turn them endways once a week, they will keep some months.

Armed with this, on a dark night, the robber walks down a street, and just as he passes a man, he strikes back over his left shoulder, so that the peak catches his victim in the back of the head, and knocks him endways. He can then be robbed with ease and comfort, and, whether he recovers from the blow or dies from its effects is his own affair, and concerns the thief not at all.