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The new meeting-house at Little Nest was a much more pretending edifice than its predecessor. It was also of wood, but a bold diverging from "first principles" had been ventured on, not only in physical, but in the moral church. The last was "new-school;" as, indeed, was the first.

She can dose him with old-school remedies, with new-school remedies, or she can let him die without remedies because she doesn't believe in the reality of disease.

"Oh, there it is again!" said Gypsy, with the least bit of a blush, "you always stop me right off with that, on every subject, from saying my prayers down to threading a needle." "Your mother was trained in the new-school theology, and she applies her principles to things terrestrial as well as things celestial," observed her father, with an amused smile.

He was perfectly willing that equal laws should prevail, as equal laws did prevail in the colony, though he was not disposed to throw everything into confusion merely to satisfy a theory. For a long time, therefore, he opposed the designs of the new-school, and insisted on his vested rights, as established in the fundamental law, which had made him ruler for life.

Otherwise, let some of our opponents be kind enough to explain why we were created with black feathers." So, in brief, the discussion runs; with the usual result, no doubt, that each side convinces itself. We may assume, however, that these old-school and new-school swifts do not carry their disagreement so far as actually to refuse to hold fellowship with one another.

It was used on the stage of all countries so much that I believe most new-school actors have dropped it. They think it lacks genuineness." Cora waited a moment longer, then spoke. "How much chance have I to get Richard Lindley's money back from you?" He was astounded. "Oh, I say!" "I had a caller, this morning," she said, slowly. "He talked about you quite a lot!

"You mean in the prayers, now, I rather conclude?" "Certainly, sir, I mean in the prayers and the thanksgivings." "Why, we leave them pretty much to the parson; though I will own it is not quite as easy leaning on the edge of one of the new-school pews as on one of the old. They are better for sitting, but not so good for standing.

What "new-school" means, in a spiritual sense, I do not exactly know, but I suppose it to be some improvement on some other improvement of the more ancient and venerable dogmas of the sect to which it belongs.