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Why, General Neumayer was at Lyons, and not at Paris. Would he march to the assistance of the Assembly? What did we know about this? As for Lawoëstyne, was he not double-faced? Were they sure of him? Call to arms the 8th Legion? Forestier was no longer Colonel. The 5th and 6th? But Gressier and Howyne were only lieutenant-colonels, would these legions follow them? Order the Commissary Yon?

Before passing on to these, I must briefly mention a man who throughout his life insisted on the necessity and utility of Antarctic expeditions Professor Georg von Neumayer. Never has Antarctic research had a warmer, nobler, and more high-minded champion. So long as "Antarctica" endures, the name of Neumayer will always be connected with it.

He added, "You can count on two Generals: Neumayer at Lyons, and Lawoëstyne at Paris." He got up and leaned against the chimney-piece; I can still see him there, standing thoughtfully; and he continued: "I do not feel myself strong enough to begin exile all over again, but I feel the wish to save my family and my country."

Louis Blanc, who, although banished, was coming to the assistance of France, and was bringing to us the great power of his name and of his mind, had been compelled, like Ledru Rollin, to halt before the catastrophe of the 4th. He had not been able to get beyond Tournay. As for General Neumayer, he had not "marched upon Paris," but he had come there. For what purpose? To give in his submission.

The Assembly, after having shown here and there some symptoms of uneasiness, had grown calm. There was General Neumayer, "who was to be depended upon," and who from his position at Lyons would at need march upon Paris. Changarnier exclaimed, "Representatives of the people, deliberate in peace."

"Of course. Good night, Von Holzen." And Percy Roden passed through the gateway, walking slowly across the dunes towards his own house; while Von Holzen watched him from the window of the little three-roomed cottage. "Le plus sur moyen d'arriver a son but c'est de ne pas faire de rencontres en chemin." "Yes, it was long ago 'lang, lang izt's her' you remember the song Frau Neumayer always sang.