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"'An' how d'you mean that? says Jerry, and I could hear by his voice that he was choking, he was that crazy mad. "'Because it's the day you met me, says Doone; 'that's why it's a lucky one for you. "'Listen to me, says Jerry, 'of all the nervy, cold-blooded fakers that ever stepped you're the nerviest. "'Thanks, says Doone. 'I think I am doing pretty well.

The very bridle had been taken from his head, and yet the stranger stood undaunted beside him, and the stallion did not seem to be angered by that nearness. The next thing Dunbar heard was the voice of Bridewell saying, "Nerviest thing I ever seen. I been putting this Bull Hunter down for a half-wit, pretty near. All his strength in his back and none in his head. But I changed my mind today.

Blake honored our county seat by sidetracking his palatial car. Boys, down there in that hole are the two nerviest men I ever heard tell about. One of 'em has a broken leg. The other has broke the trail for us. I ask for volunteers to go down with me and yank 'em up out of there. Gentlemen, who offers?" Instantly the crowd surged forward.

"Ay!" chimed in her husband, apparently in good humor. "He's the nerviest fellow ever I met, Eloise. Sacre! had you hunted this province over you could never have found one to perform better work this night. I wonder how it was you chanced upon him?"

As the train rolled up, the headlight flashing far down the track and the steam hissing from the engine, I turned weak all over. I would have worked a whole year on the ranch for nothing to have been out of that affair right then. Some of the nerviest men in the business have told me that they felt the same way the first time.

Jim was continually surprising his subordinates with his intimate knowledge of the details of management. Mattison had long been accustomed to his ways, but he gave Jim a glance of wonder before he repeated the order to the division chief. And so Jawn was called to Manchester as the nerviest man on the road.

"Who is he?" asked Larry of the conductor, after the sheriff had left the train. "What, you never heard of Sam Jenks, sheriff of Pawnee County?" "We come from Ohio," said Tom, as though apologizing for their ignorance. "That accounts for it. If you lived between the Mississippi and El Paso you wouldn't ask such a question. "Sam Jenks, known to every cowboy as 'Shorty, is the nerviest man I know.

She had come to die with him, though she was plainly not in a proper state of mind to pass on. She was saying that something was the nerviest piece of work she'd ever been up against, and that she would perfectly just fix them ... only give her a little time they were snoop-cats! "You'll perfectly manage; jus' leave it to you," breathed her moribund husband.

"By cripes, I'll kill the first man that comes a step nearer. I won't stand no monkey-business from nobody." "Oh, sure, sure," soothed Bunker, "we know you're the goods nerviest gun-man, I believe, I ever saw. But here's the proposition, you ain't here for your health, you must figure on making a winning somehow.

Skag's chest heaved. "I never knew a more decent tiger " Cadman went on. "Besides, he's a friend of yours, and not too expensive " "You bought him to " "I bought him for you, son a tribute to the nerviest white man I ever stepped with " That evening a great whine went up from the bearers.