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The permanent wave swept it like a tidal one. The beaded bag, cunningly contrived, needleful by needleful, from little colored strands of glass caviar, glittered its hour. Filet lace came then, sheerly, whole yokes of it for crepe de Chine nightgowns and dainty scalloped edges for camisoles. Mrs. Samstag made six of the nightgowns that winter, three for herself and three for her daughter.

"Sit down, my dear, I 'm glad to see you, but excuse me if I go on with my work, as I 'm in a driving hurry to get these things done to-night," said the brisk little lady, with a smile and a nod, as she took a new needleful of thread, and ran up a seam as if for a wager. "Let me help you, then; I 'm lazy and cross, and it will do me good," said Polly, sitting down with the resigned feeling.

She took another needleful of thread, and sewed on steadily for a little, and Aunt Victoria kept glancing at her meanwhile, with a very puzzled expression. "But what I want to know is why did grandmamma stay with grandpapa if he were, or was, such a very bad man?" Beth said suddenly. "Because it was her duty," said Aunt Victoria. "And what was his duty?"

"Hooray!" shouted the two boys, while Phronsie only gave a long sigh, and clasped her hands. "Better not be looking for summer," said Mrs. Pepper, "until you do your duty by the winter; then you can enjoy it," and she took a fresh needleful of thread. "Mamsie's right," said Ben, smiling over at her. And he threw down his book and jumped for his cap.

"You will have to dispose of her to-day, Shepard. Give her some strong coffee a good stiff needleful of cocaine will bring her around. Do something, that's all, or you don't get a red cent of the remaining three hundred. Now, I'm a busy man. You'll have to talk louder, too, my hearing isn't what it used to be." "Say, Clemm, quit this kidding about your ears.

The needle was drawn from the blue silk, and a needleful of scarlet went in instead, while the end of the blue thread was carefully secured in Beatrice's left hand for future use. "One, two, three, four," Beatrice was half audibly counting her stitches. "It did please me, Beatrice." "Five, six all right, Sir John seven, eight, nine " "Does it please thee?"

Tom Thumb's mother once took him with her when she went to milk the cow; and it being a very windy day, she tied him with a needleful of thread to a thistle, that he might not be blown away. The cow liking his oak leaf hat took him and the thistle up at one mouthful.

"I did," said I, dropping my voice, so that Leah, who was still polishing the panes, could not hear me, "and at first I thought it was Pilot: but Pilot cannot laugh; and I am certain I heard a laugh, and a strange one." She took a new needleful of thread, waxed it carefully, threaded her needle with a steady hand, and then observed, with perfect composure

I am glad I was not really much afraid of him that, indeed, close in his presence, I felt no terror at all; for upon his demanding cord and gibbet to execute the sentence recently pronounced, I was able to furnish him with a needleful of embroidering thread with such accommodating civility as could not but allay some portion at least of his surplus irritation.

There ensued a mock search for the thing, the two women, on all-fours, peering beneath the chairs. In that position they met levelly, eye to eye. Then without more ado rose, brushing their knees and reseating themselves. "Maybe if you would read books you would feel better," said Mrs. Peopping, scooping up a needleful of steel beads.