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But no man need die for the water a poet can give, and all can drink it to the end of time, and their thirst be quenched and the pool never dry and the thirst and the water are both blessed."

Yet they are no cowards, and they'll fight if there is need of fighting, and no doubt they have weapons of some kind; only they are not natural slaughterers like ourselves, and I shouldn't be surprised if war is unknown on Venus. "All the same," said Jack, "I wish I had my pistol back. I tried to hide it, but those fellows had their eyes on it, and it's confiscated.

"There's no need to 'make up. The pretty fortunes are always there for the pretty fortune-faces: unless of course the hand contradicts the face." "But can it?" "Can't it? There may be a face that all the beautiful things in the world are promised to: just by being so beautiful itself it draws beautiful happenings to it.

I need only mention one fact to characterize what kind of a heart was in that woman.

"I wonder what Marcelline meant about the moonlight," thought Hugh to himself as he lay down. "I hardly see the figures on the wall at all. The moon must be going behind a cloud. I wonder if it will be brighter in the middle of the night. I don't see that I need stay awake all the night to see. I can easily wake again. I'll just take a little sleep first."

Instead of answering, the wanderer continued his meal, though less like one who had need of sustenance, than one resolved to make no communications which might prove dangerous.

"Madame Bulteel will stay with you," she replied. "Do you need a walk so very badly?" he asked presently. "I don't suppose I need it, but I want it," she answered. "My feet and the earth are very friendly." "Where do you walk?" he asked. "Just anywhere," was her reply. "Sometimes up the river, sometimes down, sometimes miles away in the woods." "Do you never take a gun with you?"

Of course, if he had had to earn what he spent, they would have had work as a bond of sympathy. Work! Blair had never understood that work was the finest thing in the world. She wondered why he had not understood it, when she herself had worked so hard worked, in fact, so that he might be beyond the need of working.

I need not be anxious about your lodging, for there is no place more delightful for sleeping in than an empty robin's nest when the young have flown. And if you want a new gown, you can sew two tulip leaves together, which will make you a very becoming dress, and one that I should be proud to see you in."

Naturally, we don't expect Court manners from one of your profession, but we do look for ordinary common honesty. But it seems that we look in vain. You have behaved like a mighty fine skunk, sir. And if you don't see that there's any crying need for a very humble apology, you've got about the thickest hide that ever frayed a horsewhip."