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I never enjoyed myself so much as I did that night, an' everybody else that was there was nearin' burstin' with tryin' not to laugh. Do you mind Lady Galduff?" "Yes, father!" "You mind her rightly, don't you? Well, when you go up to Dublin, you're to call on her, do you hear? Never mind about her manners. Ask her to tell you about me an' Dr. Beattie ... the way I asked him about his friend God.

He wears himself out in the struggle, an' is apt to be a nervous wreck before the day arrives. They are nearin' or past thirty when he decides that with economy an' no children they can afford to maintain a home.

At the conclusion of what was to be their last drill Stubbs called them to attention and sprung the trap to which he had been gradually leading them. He studied them with a face heavy with clouds. "We are nearing our port," he drawled, "an' some of you are nearin' the jail.

As I wrote you, we are both two old ships that have sailed the seas alone for all these years, and now we're nearin' port. Why can't we make the rest of the voyage together? I have a home too big for one lone woman; you have no home at all. Years ago your home would 'a' been mine, if you could 'a' give it to me; and now I want to share mine with you.

It was strange to see her direct all her attention to Slim, when Phil Marvin seemed the one about to draw. "I ain't even nearin' my gun," asserted Slim truthfully. "It's Phil that's got a strangle hold on his." "You're waiting for him to draw," said the girl calmly enough. "I know you, Slim. Phil, don't be a fool. Drop your hand away from that gat!"

They would be nearin' home by this time; and I sat for a while picturin' it: the kitchen, and the women-folk there, that must have made up their minds to spend Christmas without us; particularly Lisbeth Mary that's my daughter, Daniel's wife with her mother to comfort her, an' the firelight goin' dinky-dink round the cups and saucers on the dresser.

I reckoned I must have dozed, for bimeby the conductor shook me by the arm and says, respectful, 'We're nearin' your station, sir. "I looked out, and I see down the track the most lonesome inhabited spot on the face of this earth.

"When they climbed aboard we got up sail and laid a southwest course to round Nova Scoshy; an' here we are, nearin' Cape Race already, and dummed proud of ourselves, if I do say it." "Proud of you, Pete, you old fox," said Schofield, getting up from the table with a sigh of immense relief. "Come on; let the second half in."

"Again, when we'd be nearin' a fence across which two were scramblin' up from croppers, Lory would brace her with: 'Don't git scared at that smoke across the fence; it's nothin' but the boys that couldn't get over burnin' up their chance of salvation! And into me slats her little heel would sock the steel, and high over the timber I'd lift her for sheer joy of the nerve of her!

But suthin' had riz up in the place o' the feelin' I had fust, so't I never could ha' helped doin' for him, any more'n if he'd been my own child." "'In the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage!" "I guess that's it," said Nancy. "On'y you have to live through a good deal afore you understand it. Well, now, dear, I'm nearin' the end.