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"Then, Miss Summerson," said my companion, "we can't be too soon at the cottage where those brickmakers are to be found. Most inquiries there I leave to you, if you'll be so good as to make 'em. The naturalest way is the best way, and the naturalest way is your own way." We set off again immediately.

"I know," he says, "no other which unites every nameable quality of painter's art in so intense a degree breadth with tenderness, brilliancy with quietness, decision with minuteness, colour with light and shade: all that is faithfullest in Holland, fancifullest in Venice, severest in Florence, naturalest in England.

'Who then, 'Lihu? says I. 'Jesus, says he, with that queer, smilin' look, as though it was the naturalest thing on earth. 'He'll wake me up when , and he couldn't wait no longer, his head fell over as heavy as a log, and that's the way he's been ever since, sleepin' like death. "Wall, Cinthy thinks somebody'd ought to come in and make a prayer. 'He wasn't a perfessor, says she.

Everything here, indeed, is so strange that you placidly accept whatever offers itself as the simplest and naturalest fact.

Everything here, indeed, is so strange that you placidly accept whatever offers itself as the simplest and naturalest fact.

"Fool!" said the Curate, hotly, "your niece has been seen in Carlingford; she came to my door, I am told, about an hour ago. Give up this folly, and let us make an effort to find her. I tell you she came to my house " "In course, sir," said Elsworthy; "it was the most naturalest place for her to go. Don't you stand upon it no longer, as if you could deceive folks.