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The Barotse believe that at certain parts of the river a tremendous monster lies hid, and that it will catch a canoe, and hold it fast and motionless, in spite of the utmost exertions of the paddlers. While near Nameta they even objected to pass a spot supposed to be haunted, and proceeded along a branch instead of the main stream.

The islands above the falls are covered with foliage as beautiful as can be seen any where. Viewed from the mass of rock which overhangs the fall, the scenery was the loveliest I had seen. Nothing worthy of note occurred on our way up to Nameta.

Cataract of Bombwe. 16 56 33 . . . 1853, Aug. 1 Kale Cataract. 16 49 52 . . . 1855, Aug. 21 . 1 Falls of Gonye. 16 38 50 23 55 0 |1853, Aug. 2| |1855, Aug. 19| 1 2 Nameta. 16 12 9 . . . Aug. 17 . 2 Seori sa Mei, 16 0 32 . . . 1853, Aug. 5 or Island of Water. Litofe Island, town of. 15 55 0 . . . Aug. 6 Loyela, S. end of this 15 27 30 . . . Aug. 9 island, town of Mamochisane.

The rapids in the part of the river between Katima-molelo and Nameta are relieved by several reaches of still, deep water, fifteen or twenty miles long. In these very large herds of hippopotami are seen, and the deep furrows they make, in ascending the banks to graze during the nights, are every where apparent.

The sting, which it tries to inflict near the eye, is more like a discharge of electricity from a powerful machine, or a violent blow, than aught else. It produces momentary insensibility, and is followed by the most pungent pain. Yet this insect is quite timid when away from its nest. It is named Murotuani by the Bechuanas. We have tsetse between Nameta and Sekhosi.