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The spot is called in Samuel 'the threshing-floor of Nachon, but in Chronicles the owner is named 'Chidon. As the former word means 'a stroke' and the latter 'destruction, they are probably not to be taken as proper names, but as applied to the place after this event.

"Like Uzzah at the threshing-floor of Nachon," he went on, "I have sinned the sin of the Israelite who set his hand to the ox-cart to stay the ark of God. It is of the Lord's mercy that I am not consumed, like the men of Beth-shemesh." So Gilbert Peden was restored, but Allan Welsh would not accept any restoration. "I am not a man accepted of God," he said. And even Gilbert Peden said no word.

The god, if personal, becomes capricious and cruel. When the Ark of Israel was being brought back from the Philistines, the cattle slipped by the threshing floor of Nachon, and the holy object was in danger of falling. A certain Uzzah, as we all know, sprang forward to save it and was struck dead for his pains. A being who is the moral equal of man must not behave like a charge of dynamite.

David and all the people of Israel danced before Jehovah with all their might to the music of harps and lyres and drums and castanets and cymbals. When they came to the threshing-floor of Nachon, Uzzah stretched out his hand to hold up the ark of God, for the oxen stumbled.