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"Il n'y a plus de jeunesse," said Victor the garçon. I hear of no great advance in what are thought the essentials of morality; but the bourrée, with its rambling, sweet, interminable music, and alert and rustic figures, has fallen into disuse, and is mostly remembered as a custom of the past.

Les gens de distinction, pour n'y point manquer, portent toujours en voyage des bouteilles de cuir pleines d'eau: on les attache sous le ventre des chameaux et des chevaux, et ordinairement elles sont très-belles.

After responding to her caresses, M. de Fontanges inquired, with an air of anxiety very remarkable in a Frenchman, how she had been treated. "Il n'y a pas de mal, mon ami," replied Madame de Fontanges. This was a Jesuitical sort of answer, and M. de Fontanges required further particulars.

"Je n'y comprends rien!" he exclaimed; then his eyes followed for a while the retreating figures of this critical pair. "You may say what you please," he declared; "it is evident to me that your sister is not indifferent to her clever companion. It is agreeable to her to be walking there with him. I can see that from here." And in the excitement of observation Felix rose to his feet.

The Duke said those who loved it never loved it with moderation. Talleyrand said, 'Il n'y a jamais de modération, il n'y a pas de goût et il n'y a pas de gout dans l'amour de la popularité! The Duke asked Talleyrand what sort of a man the Duke of Orleans was. 'Un Prince de l'Ecole normale. Of the Queen he said, 'Elle est bonne femme, et surtout grande dame c'est ce qu'il nous faut.

What an ending for a maternal epistle is that elegant compliment 'Songez que de tons les coeurs ou vous regnez, il n'y en a aucun ou votre empire soit si bien etabli que dans le mien.* I can scarcely fancy Lord Saxingham writing so to you, Lady Florence." * Think that of all the hearts over which you reign, there is not one in which your empire can be so well established as in mine.

Leurs parties constituantes sont un mica argilleux dont les lames ou les parties sont plus ou moins grandes et brillantes et diversement colorées: elles sont traversées de filons et de veines mêlés de rognons et de globule de quartz ordinairement blanc, quelquefois vitreux, transparent, opaque ou grenu: nous n'y avons vu des granits que sur le penchant de la montagne; ils y étoient isolés et roulés.

"You may kill him even while you remain in perfect health yourself," said Nick; "and since we're talking of the matter I don't see the harm of my confessing that he strikes me as far gone oh as very bad indeed." "And yet he's in love with your sister? je n'y suis plus." "He tries to be, for he sees that as regards you there are difficulties.

The name is French, let us hope the idea is also; and this reminds us of the title of a little piece lately played in Paris by amateurs for some charitable purpose Il n'y a plus d'enfants. No; in France they may indeed say, "It is true il n'y a plus d'enfants, but then have we not invented the demi-temps?"

Nous vinmes loger dans un caravanserai qui étoit éloigné de toute habitation. Nous y trouvâmes de l'orge et de la paille, et il eût été d'autant plus aisé de nous en approvisionner, qu'il n'y avoit d'autre gardien qu'un seul valet. Mais on n'a rien de semblable