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Celle d'Italie présente trois chemins divers. L'un par Aquilée, par l'Istrie, la Dalmatie, le royaume de Rassie (Servie) et Thessalonique (Salonique), la plus grande cité de Macédoine, laquelle n'est qu'

«La Drance est ici fort resserrée et trés encaissée; ce n'est pas sans frémir qu'on s'apperçoit, quand on est sur deux morceaux de bois jetés d'une roche

Il a des manieres franches et avenantes; il se fait aimer de tous ceux qui l'approchent, et surtout des enfants. Il a la parole facile, et possde a un haut degre l'eloquence du bon sens et du coeur. Il n'est point auteur.

The loss of the latter, I must own, I feel much the more sensibly of the two; serrer les files, comme Von dit a Varnee, n'est pas assez; la perte ne laissera pas de reparoitre, in that I had counted upon a resource in the one more than in the other. Meynell, and Sir J. Seabright, an excellent dinner. We were at a private ball at night, and this morning early I set out for London.

"Mon Dieu, comme il est beau, comme ça," cried my domestic miracle worker, lost in admiration of a tall, slim, yet athletic figure, clad from head to foot in black leather. "Mais mais ce n'est pas comme il faut pour un Milord." "Why, Terry," exclaimed I, "I never thought I never expected I'm hanged if you're not a real professional.

However, 'ce qui est differe n'est pas perdu'; for this matter must be taken up again, and concluded before the meeting of the parliament, and probably upon more disadvantageous terms to the present Ministers, who have tacitly admitted, by this negotiation, what their enemies have loudly proclaimed, that they are not able to carry on affairs. So much 'de re politica'.

Look at Browning. He knew. A big brain may set you on a pinnacle, Michel; but a big love keeps you human, sets your pulses beating in tune with all the hidden harmonies of the world." A hot wave of shyness checked her. She withdrew her hands hastily, and sat upright. "Tiens! But I am preaching! A new vice, n'est ce pas?" "New enough to be interesting, . . and forgivable! What's your text?"

He says: "Trop de recherche fine et minutieuse n'est pas quelquefois sans pretention et san froideur." But on the whole the critique is very laudatory. "Liszt and Thalberg excite, as is well known, violent enthusiasm; Chopin also awakens enthusiasm, but of a less energetic, less noisy nature, precisely because he causes the most intimate chords of the heart to vibrate."

"Eh bien! et après?" "Ce qu'il y a, c'est que nous savons tous que nul en Europe n'est mieux en état de ce faire. Mais,

"Le vrai n'est pas toujours le vraisemblable," answered Captain M ; "and I am afraid that too often a great illiberality is shown towards travellers, who, after having encountered great difficulties and dangers, have the mortification not to be credited upon their return.