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It is a frequent accompaniment and sometimes a cause of deformities, in the treatment of which lengthening of the shortened muscles or their tendons may be an essential step. #Myositis.# Ischæmic Myositis. Volkmann was the first to describe a form of myositis followed by contracture, resulting from interference with the arterial blood supply.

Ossification in the deltoid and pectoral muscles has been observed in foot-soldiers in the German army, and has received the name of "drill-bone"; it is due to bruising of the muscle by the recoil of the rifle. Progressive Ossifying Myositis. This is a rare and interesting disease, in which the muscles, tendons, and fasciæ throughout the body become the seat of ossification.

However, in a general way, cases of recent affection are thought more favorable than are those of long standing or in old animals where myositis and other muscular and fascial affections exist owing to years of hard service. Treatment. No known line of medicinal treatment is of service, nor is any particular surgical operation to be considered dependable for obtaining relief.

INJURIES: Contusion; Sprain; Rupture Hernia of muscle Dislocation of tendons Wounds Avulsion of tendon. DISEASES OF MUSCLE AND OF TENDONS: Atrophy; "Muscular rheumatism" Fibrositis; Contracture; Myositis; Calcification and Ossification; Tumours. DISEASES OF TENDON SHEATHS: Teno-synovitis.

A gonorrhœal form of myositis is sometimes met with; it is painful, but rarely goes on to suppuration. In the early secondary period of syphilis, the muscles may be the seat of dull, aching, nocturnal pains, especially in the neck and back.

The affected muscle is larger and firmer than normal, and its electric excitability is diminished. In tertiary syphilis, individual muscles may become the seat of interstitial myositis or of gummata, and these affections readily yield to anti-syphilitic remedies.

All affections, however, wherein degenerative changes involve the nerve trunk, whether due to diffuse myositis or pressure from malignant tumors, will not yield to treatment. The same general plan of treatment is indicated that is described on page 74 in the consideration of atrophy of the scapular muscles.

Constitutional measures, massage, and douching should be employed, and the tendon should be protected from strain. #Calcification and Ossification in Muscles, Tendons, and Fasciæ.# Myositis ossificans.

The doctor who testified in a case in which the plaintiff suffered a sore back and had seventy-five dollars damages from the jury is an example. He said: "The plaintiff was suffering from traumatic sacro-illiac disease, traumatic sinovitis of the knee and wrist and from traumatic myositis of the muscles of the back." In reality the testimony of expert witnesses is very good evidence.