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Captain Corbet stood and looked musingly out upon the sea, as though the sight of the rolling waters assisted his meditations. It was some time before he spoke. "I tell you what it is, boys," said he at last. "We've ben makin another mistake." "How so?" "We've gone to work wrong." "Well, what can we do now?" "Wal, fust an foremost, I muve we go back on our tracks." "Go back?" "Yas." "Why?"

He was an unconscious follower of the theology of the Reverend John Jasper, of Richmond, Virginia, and rejected the Copernican theory of the universe as inconsistent with the history of Joshua. "Gin the sun doesna muve," said he, "what for wad Joshua be tellin' him to stond steel? 'A wad suner beleeve there was a mistak' in the veesible heevens than ae fault in the Guid Buik."

It was with this weapon, as one may read in Scrope's Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing, that Tam Purdie Sir Walter's Purdie when a young man captured that "muckle kipper" that seemed to him to be the "verra de'il himsel'," so big was he. "Odd! my verra heart lap to my mouth whan I gat the glisk o' something mair like a red stirk than ought else muve off the redd. I fand my hair creep on my heid.

We've lost any quantity o' time that way, but that's no reason why we should lose any more; so I muve that some of us go back, right straight off, an get a boat at the ship-yard, an come back. I'll go, unless some o' youns think yourselfes smarter, which ain't onlikely." "O, you can't run, captain," said Bart. "Bruce and I will go, and we'll run all the way."

"Wal, railly, now," said Captain Corbet, "I shouldn't wonder if thar was a good deal in that, though I didn't think of it afore. Course it's natral you shouldn't be over fond of sech, when you've had sech an oncommon tough time. An now, bein' as thar's no uthly occasion for the Antelope to be a lingerin' round this here isle of the ocean, I muve that we histe anchor an resume our vyge.