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"You're right, sweetheart everything will check out on zero, to nineteen decimals." He was a man transfigured. "I've been fighting windmills and I've been scared sick but how was I to think that a wonder-girl like you could ever love a mutt like me? You certainly are the gamest little partner a man ever had You're the world's straightest shooter, ace you're a square brick if there ever was one.

"Nex' mornin' the foist thing he must go hunt that pup, an' went a scoutin' all day, me an' Buck helpin' him but nary pup; an' come another supper without that miser'ble mutt, an' Ranch was up an alley all right, all right. He was all wore out, an' I made him hit the bunk early an' try ter sleep; but, Lord!

Oh, he was the big mutt, right from the start," Frank replied with the assured air of a connoisseur. "He didn't have the brains of a bluejay, or he'd have known all the time she was strong for him." "I guess that's right," Bud mumbled, but he did not mean what Frank thought he meant. "Let's go. I want a drink." Frank was willing enough; too willing, if the truth were known.

I've got more money coming in every year than a thousand of me would ever expect to see in their lives, according to my calculation. And I don't know how to do any of the things a fellow who is what you call `a gentleman' would know how to do. I mean in the way of spending it. Now, I've got to get some fun out of it. I should be a mutt if I didn't, so I'm going to spend it my own way.

The girl, watching the big chap's unconscious face, knew well what was in his mind. "What chance have I against all these bully fellows," he was saying to himself in his soul, "even if I do happen to be crew captain? Connolly was a mutt couldn't take him but Jack Emmett there wasn't any reason to be seen for that.

"Let her stay!" pleaded the Mistress as the Master growled something about bundling the dog into her crate again and sending her back to the Rothsay Kennels. "Let her stay, please! She's a dear." "But we're not breeding 'dears," observed the Master. "We planned to breed a strain of perfect collies. And this is a mutt!"

We follow the bed of the Swannanoa to its source " "Then that settles it. We'll go by ourselves. I don't want any mutt along to show us the way. We couldn't get lost nohow, could we?" "Of course not all the roads lead to Asheville. We can ask the way to the house you want, when we reach the little stopping place at the foot of Mount Mitchell."

"No Burgundy, sir?" "No, my lord; there is no Burgundy on board." "No Burgundy, sir! do you dare to tell me that?" "Upon my soul, my lord," cried Maddox, dropping on his knees, "there is no Burgundy on board ask the ladies." "Very well, sir; you may go." "Cook, what have you got for dinner?" "Sir, a haunch of mutt of venison, my lord," replied the cook, with his white night-cap in his hand.

Dey don't know enough to go upstairs to take de Elevated. Beat it, you mutt," he observed with moody displeasure to the wop kid, accompanying the words with a gesture which conveyed its own meaning. The wop kid, plainly glad to get away, slipped out of the door like a shadow. Pugsy shrugged his shoulders. "Gents," he said resignedly, "it's up to youse."

"This," went on William, in a more serious tone, "this, Sally, is the chap I used to think was a mutt honest until I woke up one day and found that I was it. I was the M-U-T-T," he spelled out the word, "and Lucien had me beaten a mile for brains and bravery." Lucien was blushing furiously now. "Don't," he pleaded.