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Sighing and coughing, Murkin went to the door of the next room and cautiously tapped. "Who's there?" he heard a woman's voice a minute later. "It's I!" Murkin began in a plaintive voice, standing in the attitude of a cavalier addressing a lady of the highest society.

All that is known is that Murkin was confined to his bed for a fortnight after his acquaintance with Blistanov, and that to the words "I am a man in delicate health, rheumatic" he took to adding, "I am a wounded man. . . ." IT was twelve o'clock at night. Mitya Kuldarov, with excited face and ruffled hair, flew into his parents' flat, and hurriedly ran through all the rooms.

A PIANO-TUNER called Murkin, a close-shaven man with a yellow face, with a nose stained with snuff, and cotton-wool in his ears, came out of his hotel-room into the passage, and in a cracked voice cried: "Semyon! Waiter!" And looking at his frightened face one might have supposed that the ceiling had fallen in on him or that he had just seen a ghost in his room.

If I were the governor or anyone in command, I would get all these actors together and clap them all in prison." Continually sighing and groaning and knitting his brows, Murkin drew the two left boots on to his feet, and set off, limping, to Madame la Générale Shevelitsyn's.

"It was she, your good lady, who gave me this gentleman's boots. . . . After this gentleman " the piano-tuner indicated Blistanov "had gone away I missed my boots. . . . I called the waiter, you know, and he said: 'I left your boots in the next room! By mistake, being in a state of intoxication, he left my boots as well as yours at 64," said Murkin, turning to Blistanov, "and when you left this gentleman's lady you put on mine."

"What's this nonsense?" said King Bobesh with a grin. "My wife is at No. 64." "Your wife, sir? Delighted. . . ." Murkin smiled.

"What are you talking about?" said Blistanov, and he scowled. "Have you come here to libel me?" "Not at all, sir God forbid! You misunderstand me. What am I talking about? About boots! You did stay the night at No. 64, didn't you?" "When?" "Last night!" "Why, did you see me there?" "No, sir, I didn't see you," said Murkin in great confusion, sitting down and taking off the boots.