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This psychological reinvolution is an anticipation of death; it represents the life beyond the grave, the return to school, the soul fading into the world of ghosts, or descending into the region of Die Muetter; it implies the simplification of the individual who, allowing all the accidents of personality to evaporate, exists henceforward only in the indivisible state, the state of point, of potentiality, of pregnant nothingness.

"Sie sehn dich nicht, denn Schemen sehn sie nur." Goethe borrowed the term from a passage of Plutarch's, but he has made the idea half Platonic, half legendary. Amiel, however, seems rather to have in his mind Faust's speech in Scene vii. than the speech of Mephistopheles in Scene v: "In eurem Namen, Muetter, die ihr thront Im Graenzenlosen, ewig einsam wohnt, Und doch gesellig!

After all the bewildering distractions of life after having drowned myself in a multiplicity of trifles and in the caprices of this fugitive existence, yet without ever attaining to self-intoxication or self-delusion I come again upon the fathomless abyss, the silent and melancholy cavern, where dwell 'Die Muetter, where sleeps that which neither lives nor dies, which has neither movement nor change, nor extension, nor form, and which lasts when all else passes away."

Voices come to one, as Goethe would say, from the caves where dwell "Die Muetter" the creative generative forces of the country. He turned his flashing look on Benecke, pleased now as always with the mere task of speech.