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He dismounted at the door of the shop, and called to him a small Mexican lad with a cheek of the tint of ripe corn. "Here, Pedro Segundo! Take this mare up to the camp! Can you catch?" He tossed him a coin. "Bueno!" "Mucho bueno!" said Pedro the First, looking on approvingly from the door of his shop. Arnold turned to the schoolmistress, who was smiling from her perch on a pile of wet logs.

So, I reckon I'll have to stay at home this Easter Sunday." And then she smiled. "Well, Miss Tonia," said Pearson, reaching for his hat, as guileful as a sleeping babe. "I reckon I'll be trotting along back to Mucho Calor. There's some cutting out to be done on Dry Branch first thing in the morning; and me and Road Runner has got to be on hand. It's too bad your hat got sidetracked.

Ida Bennet's hat is to be trimmed with violets. I shall not go one step toward Cactus without a new hat. If I were a man I would get one." Two men listened uneasily to this disparagement of their kind. One was Wells Pearson, foreman of the Mucho Calor cattle ranch. The other was Thompson Burrows, the prosperous sheepman from the Quintana Valley.

At this time the sun was intensely hot, it was high noon, and the monk who attended Mr S held an umbrella over his head; but the preparations being completed, he kissed him on both cheeks, while the hot tears trickled down his own, and was stepping back, when the unhappy man said to him, with the most perfect composure, "Todavia padre, todavia, mucho me gusta la sombra."

"La mujer es una diabola, pero me gusto mucho," said Santos to me, and sighed deeply. "The woman is a devil, but I like her very much." The unfortunate Malay got upon his horse and, his soul deep in the swamp of jealousy, departed to resume his copra-making. Court adjourned.

Y assi quando los nuestros llegaron, pensando que eran ellos, huyan alos mõtes con sus joyas, y haziendas. Y se ha visto el general en harto trabajo por apaziguarlos, y darles a entender que son ellos, y cierto deue ser hombre cuerdo, porque por la relaciõ se vee hauer tenido mucho sufrimiento, por no topar con ellos, y los ha lleuado con mucho amor, sin hazer agrauio a nadie.

I was preparing to return, and had thrust one leg back through the hedge, when a harsh voice apparently that of a man mingled with the silvery tones. "Anda! anda! hace mucho calor. Vamos a volver." "Ah, no, Pepe! un ratito mas." "Vaya, carrambor!" Again the clear laughter rang out, mingled with the clapping of hands and short exclamations of delight.

"Ave Maria purissima what is the matter? Where is el Senior Bang?" "Mucho, mucho," shouted Bang from below the table. "Send for a doctoribus, Senor Richarsum. I am dead and t'other thing help! help!" "Dios guardo usted," again ejaculated Campana. "What has befallen him?" addressing the skipper, who was by this time on his head's antipodes in bed, rubbing his eyes, and in great amazement.

If I wanted anything, I went to Fisher. He always could solve the difficulty. He procured for me an excellent middle-aged laundress, who came and brought the linen herself, and, bowing to the floor, said always, "Buenos dias, Senorita!" dwelling on the latter word, as a gentle compliment to a younger woman, and then, "Mucho calor este dia," in her low, drawling voice.

Apparently, he had been seized by some terrible pain. Groaning, in what appeared to be agony, his bound figure rolled about on the earth, while his legs, which below his knees were free, kicked vigorously. "Oh oh oh!" groaned Pete. "What's the matter?" cried the gamblers, springing up in consternation at this sudden seizure. "Oh, oh! mucho malo estomago!" howled Pete.