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Our appetites were very sharp, and we did full justice to the merits of the fare before us. The servants waiting upon the table were an Indian muchachito and muchachita, about ten or twelve years of age. They had not been long from their wild rancherias, and knew but little of civilized life.

He replied, at length, "Captain Roblado, I have said it is not worth my while to perform what a muchachito of ten years old would hardly deem a feat. I would not wrench my horse's mouth for such a pitiful exhibition as running him up on the edge of that harmless gutter; but if " "Well, if what?" eagerly inquired Roblado, taking advantage of the pause, and half suspecting Carlos' design.

The good loco drove every one from his heart; and all from his mind-all, save me, the Donna Anna. I was the earth and the life to him. And so, night and day, since he came until now he dies, my arms and my heart have been about the Senor Juan. And I have been very, very happy with my muchachito, the Senor Juan. Yes, I knew he would go; because none may live who drinks the loco.

"If you feel disposed to risk a doubloon I am but a poor hunter, and cannot place more I shall attempt what a muchachito of ten years would consider a feat perhaps." "And what may that be, Senor Cibolero?" asked the officer, sneeringly. "I will check my horse at full gallop on the brow of yonder cliff!" "Within two lengths from the brow?"