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"Harry's played the hand of a real man to-night," Kid Wolf put in for him. "I'm through as a gambler," said Harry. "Boys, will yuh take me for a friend?" "Well, I should say we will!" Lathum cried, and all three shook his hand warmly. "Yore mother will be mighty proud, son and glad," old Anton said. "Now, men," said The Kid, "get those steers movin' toward the S Bar.

Carson, they're comin' back, an' it don't need a movin' picture operator an' telegraphic despatch t' tell it, either." "No, Pete. They seem to be in good spirits, too." "Yes, they generally are when they get back from round-up. I want to hear how they made out, though, an' what th' prospects are." "So do I, Pete," and there was an anxious note in the voice of Mr.

March!" commanded the sergeant. The two policemen advanced on Daughtry and Kwaque with extended clubs. "Keep away, an' keep movin'," one of the policemen growled fiercely. "An' do what we say, or get your head cracked. Out you go, now. Out the door with you. Better tell that coon to stick right alongside you." "Doc., won't you let me talk a moment?" Daughtry begged of Emory.

"Mercy, Bess!" whispered Nan. "That's worthy of extravagant Laura Polk herself." "Thank you," responded Bess, as the farmer recovered from a fit of "the chuckles" over Bess Harley's joke. Bess added this question: "What particular form of insanity do your daughter and Sallie Morton display, Mr. Snubbins?" "Movin' picters," ejaculated the farmer. "Drat 'em!

And then again with tears in her eyes: "But, Dick, all the people there in Cloudy, how far off they seem now like shadows movin' in a dream like shadows I've dreamt of. Only a few days ago I clasped their hands I seen their faces their dear faces I " She broke off; then while the tears streamed down her cheeks: "An' now they're fadin' in this little while I've lost 'em lost 'em."

But he had scant time for thinking. Lund tossed him a scrap of advice. "Keep movin'! Don't let 'em crowd you!" Then the fight was joined. The girl leaned out from the promontory to watch the tourney. Tamada, impassive as ever, tended his fires. Sandy crept down to the beach, drawn despite his will, and shuffled in and out, irresolute, too weak to attempt to mix in, but excited, eager to help.

As we rounded the bend by the pines and opened up the twelve-mile narrow white stretch of Setuckit Beach ahead of us, with the ocean on one side and the bay on t'other, I looked at my watch. We'd come that fur in thirteen minutes. "'Land sakes! I says. 'This is what I call movin' right along! "He turned round and sized me up again, like he was surprised. "'Movin'? says he.

You can take that ole rig I was showin' you. She ain't much on looks, but she's all there." "Thanks. But I'd rather buy a new outfit." "When do you aim to start?" "Right away. I suppose I'll need a blanket and some provisions." "Yes. But you'll catch up with Cheyenne, if you keep movin'. He won't travel fast with a pack-hoss along.

"I think I see a woolie movin'." Bowers squinted across the white expanse and the deputy endeavored to follow his gaze, but could see nothing but dancing specks due to a mild case of snow blindness. "Yep that's a woolie. I'm so used to 'em I kin tell what a sheep is thinkin' from here to them mountains."

Meanwhile you'll ha' crept up to near the house, ready to do yer bit as soon's ye hear yer friend movin'. It's chancey of course, but that's the sort o' trade it is. Better take this" Flitch brought something from his breast-pocket "in case the key's turned in that front door." "Thanks; I've got one. Now say it all again so that we have no misunderstandings."