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"You sheepmen have been crawlin' around on your bellies for a month to get a chanst to sheep us out, and now you say you can't help yourself! You're the crookedest, lyingest sheep-puller in the bunch, Jim Swope. You'd rob a graveyard and show up for prayers the next mornin'. I can lick you, you big Mormon-faced stiff, with one hand tied behind me, and what's more "

Here I stand, unarmed, and he's afraid to come out! But if there's a man amongst you, send him down, and if he licks me I'll go around." "You'll go around anyhow, you Mormon-faced wool-puller!" replied the cowman promptly, "and we're here to see to it, so you might as well chase yourself." "No, I like this side," said the sheepman, pretending to admire the scenery.

I hate the Mormon-faced old dastard, he's such a sanctified old hypocrite, but I always treat him white and if his diamond drill hits copper he'll make the two of us rich. Anyhow, that's what I'm waiting for." Big Boy looked up at the striated hills which lay like a section of layer cake between the base of the mountains and the creek and then he shook his head.

By grab, if I thought that Mormon-faced old devil was thinking of jumping my ground " He went off into uneasy mutterings and wrote out the quit-claim absently; then they went up together and, after going over the lines, Denver relocated the mine and named it the Silver Treasure. "Think you guessed right, do you?" inquired Bunker with a grin. "Well, I hope you make a million.