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"None, sir," replied the prisoner. Came Private Bates next, and Sir Terence proceeded to question him.. "You said in your evidence that Captain Tremayne arrived at Monsanto between half-past eleven and twenty minutes to twelve?" "Yes, sir."

Colonel Grant, standing very straight and stiff in the originally red coat which exposure to many weathers had faded to an autumnal brown, continued and concluded his statement of what he had seen and heard on the night of the 28th of May in the garden at Monsanto.

The judge-advocate's task of conducting the case against the prisoner was deputed to the quartermaster of Tremayne's own regiment, Major Swan. The court sat in a long, cheerless hall, once the refectory of the Franciscans, who had been the first tenants of Monsanto.

Yet the mystery would have been no less in the case of any other opponent than Captain Tremayne, since it was clear beyond all doubt that a duel had been fought and Count Samoval killed, and no less clear that it was a premeditated combat, and that the deceased had gone to Monsanto expressly to engage in it, since the duelling swords found had been identified as his property and must have been carried by him to the encounter.

"Captain Tremayne," he said, "let me beg you to realise the serious position in which you are placed." "I assure you, sir, that I realise it fully." "Do you realise that the statements you have made to account for your movements during the half-hour that you were at Monsanto have been disproved?

It has been necessary for Colonel Grant to explain to the court his own presence at Monsanto at midnight on the 28th. It would have been better, perhaps, had he simply stated that it was fortuitous, although I can understand that the court might have hesitated to accept such a statement. That, however, is really all that concerns the matter. Colonel Grant happened to be there.

Then Carruthers, who appeared to be intent to act as the prisoner's friend, took up the examination of his chief. "It is of course admitted that Captain Tremayne enjoyed free access to Monsanto practically at all hours in his capacity as your military secretary, Sir Terence?" "Admitted," said Sir Terence.

In the garden his lordship came upon Miss Armytage alone, still seated by the table under the trellis, from which the cloth had by now been removed. She rose at his approach and in spite of gesture to her to remain seated. "I was seeking Lady O'Moy," said he, "to take my leave of her. I may not have the pleasure of coming to Monsanto again." "She is on the terrace, I think," said Miss Armytage.

Give someone on welfare the chance to go to work. Tonight I am pleased to announce that five major corporations Sprint, Monsanto, UPS, Burger King and United Airlines will be the first to join in a new national effort to marshal America's businesses large and small to create jobs so that people can move from welfare to work. We passed welfare reform.

So I am not mistaken in seeking him here. I have had him under very close observation during the past day or two, and when one of my men brought me word tonight that he had left his place at Bispo on foot and alone, going along the upper Alcantara road, If had a notion that he might be coming to Monsanto and I followed. But I hardly expected to find this. How has it happened?"