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The exiles asked permission from the King of Prussia to settle in his dominions, and while awaiting his answer at Munich they were painfully surprised by the entrance of five old soldiers of noble birth, part of the body-guard they had left behind at Mittau, relying on the protection of Paul.

We were riding to Versailles, and our horses almost touched sides as my friend put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't go, Lazarre. You will not be welcome there." "I must go, whether I am welcome or not." "But I may not last until you come back." "You will last two months. Can't I post to Mittau and back in two months?" "God knows."

There His Majesty, Emperor and King, was never anything but "M. de Bonaparte"; there "the King" meant Louis XVIII., then at Mittau; there the Department was still the Province, and the prefecture the intendance.

She looked around and hesitated to pronounce the name of the Count of Provence. "Yes. I am going to find some one who belongs to me." "You have the marquis for a friend." "And I have also Skenedonk, and our tribe, for my friends. But there is no one who understands that a man must have some love." "Consult Marquis du Plessy about going to Mittau. It may not be wise.

One bag of coin was spent in Paris, but three remained there with Doctor Chantry. We had money, though the more valuable treasure stayed in Mittau. In the sloping hills and green vines of Champagne we were no longer harassed dodging troops, and slept the last night of our posting at Epernay.

It has been falsely alleged that the King left Mittau for the purpose of fomenting fresh troubles in France. The friends of Louis XVIII., who advised him to leave Mittau, had great hopes from the last war.

The exiles asked permission from the King of Prussia to settle in his dominions, and while awaiting his answer at Munich they were painfully surprised by the entrance of five old soldiers of noble birth, part of the body-guard they had left behind at Mittau, relying on the protection of Paul.

Still, however, the cause of his animosity was an enigma which I was unable to guess, but I obtained its solution some time afterwards. General Driesen, who was the Governor of Mittau while Louis XVIII. resided in that town, came to Paris in 1814. I had been well acquainted with him in 1810 at Hamburg, where he lived for a considerable time.

"It is a long, expensive post journey; and part of the way you may not be able to post. Riga, on the gulf beyond Mittau, is a fine old town of pointed gables and high stone houses. But when I was in Mittau I found it a mere winter camp of Russian nobles. The houses are low, one-story structures. There is but one castle, and in that his Royal Highness the Count of Provence holds mimic court."

"Monsieur," I answered, giving him as brief notice as he had given me in Mittau, yet without rancor; there was no room in me for that. "You have unerringly found the best house in the Illinois Territory, and I leave you to the enjoyment of it." "You are leaving the house, monsieur?" "I find I am obliged to make a short journey." "I have made a long one, monsieur.