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"Still, he should be independent of his electors, but in truth, it is not the rights of those who have elected them that my colleagues defend, it is their own interests." "Every man for himself, Monsieur le Ministre. Yesterday, even yesterday, one of my electors whose wife has just given birth to a child, wrote me, asking for a good nurse. That is like one of our colleagues, Perraud of the Vosges.

Ours was similar to that we gave to Baron Charles and Louisa de Rothschild; a large and handsomely-carved ewer and basin, worth £180. We left Paris before twelve o'clock, and on reaching the Bois de Boulogne, found the party already assembled, all the ladies most elegantly dressed. A procession was formed by a number of choristers, led by the ministre officiant, and preceded by the Grand Rabbin.

The Relation de la Prise du Port Royal par les Anglois de Baston, written on the spot immediately after the event, says that, except that nobody was killed, the place was treated as if taken by assault. Meneval also says that the inhabitants were pillaged. Meneval au Ministre, 29 Mai, 1600; also Rapport de Champigny, Oct., 1690.

"You yourself, Monsieur le ministre, have not escaped its venom; but it did not, I think, deter you from your course." "But," said Rastignac, lowering his voice, "suppose I were to tell you that I have already sternly refused to listen to a proposal to search into your private life on a certain side which, being more in the shade than the rest, seems to offer your enemies a chance to entrap you."

No. 20. L'ambassadeur en Angleterre au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Londres, le 12/25 Juillet 1914.

Le Chargé d'Affaires en Autriche-Hongrie an Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Vienne, le 12/25 Juillet 1914. Suite

"But tell me, Monsieur Gascogne," said he, "are you quite sure that this man Salvat committed the crime?" "Oh! perfectly sure, Monsieur le Ministre. He'll confess everything in the cab before he reaches the Prefecture." Monferrand again walked to and fro with a pensive air, and ideas came to him as he spoke on in a slow, meditative fashion.

Baudoin was an Acadian priest, who accompanied the expedition, which he describes in detail. Relation de ce qui s'est passe, etc., 1695, 1696; Des Goutins au Ministre, 23 Sept., 1696; Hutchinson, Hist. Mass., II 89; Mather, Magnalia, II. 633. A letter from Chubb, asking to be released from prison, is preserved in the archives of Massachusetts.

Le Ministre a Frontenac, 26 Mai, 1696. Besides the above, many other letters and despatches on both sides have been examined in relation to these questions. The correspondence of Frontenac and Bellomont, the report of Peter Schuyler and Dellius, the journal of John Schuyler, and other papers on the same subjects, will be found in N. Y. Col.

Reçu avec retard le 14 27 Juillet 1914. Je transmets la réponse que le Président du Conseil des Ministres Serbe a remis an ministre Austro-Hongrois