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Out came the miller to see what stopped the mill, found the chest and took it up. So when he came home to dinner to his wife, he said: 'I wonder now whatever there can be inside this chest which came floating down the mill-head, and stopped our mill to-day? 'That we'll soon know', said his wife; 'see, there's the key in the lock, just turn it.

It has already ascended the Thames as high as Reading; and a few years more, owing to the present aqua-vivarium mania, will see it filling every mill-head in England, to the torment of all millers.

He looked at Honoria as he spoke. She blushed angrily; and yet a sort of sympathy arose from that moment between Lancelot and herself. Our hero feared he had gone too far, and tried to turn the subject off. The smooth mill-head was alive with rising trout. 'What a huge fish leapt then! said Lancelot carelessly; 'and close to the bridge, too! Honoria looked round, and uttered a piercing scream.

Mother, thee must write and tell him about their 'helpfulness and obedience'! Thee can tell him their appetites keep up pretty well; they manage to take their meals regularly, and they are always out of bed by eight o'clock to help me hang up the milking-stool!" "Just wait till thee gets into the mill-head again, Dorothy Barton! Thee needn't come to me to help thee out!" "Go on, mother.

"I shouldn't have called thee," she said shyly, as he sank pale and panting beside her, "but thee looked I thought thee was going to jump into the mill-head!" "I thought you were there, Dorothy!" "I was there quite long enough. Shep pulled me out; I was too tired to help myself much."

'O I don't mean that it is here; it is out by the bridge at the mill-head. He arose, and Anne followed with curiosity in her eyes, and with her firm little mouth pouted up to a puzzled shape. On reaching the mossy mill- head she found that he had fixed in the keen damp draught which always prevailed over the wheel an AEolian harp of large size.

They had passed on out of the water, and instead of them there sat Festus Derriman alone on his horse, and in plain clothes, the water reaching up to the animal's belly, and Festus' heels elevated over the saddle to keep them out of the stream, which threatened to wash rider and horse into the deep mill-head just below.

"If you'd only let the men who are left help you a little, Dorothy." "I don't want any help. I only don't want to be washed into the mill-head." They both laughed, and Evesham began again entreating her to let him take her to the house. "Hasn't thee a coat or something I could put around me until Shep comes?" said Dorothy. "He must be here soon." "Yes, I've a jacket here somewhere."

"'Tis seven mile good by the nigh way from Beacon Hill to Wydcombe; and I was dog-tired, and hungry, and that shamed I stopped a half-hour on the bridge over Proud's mill-head, wishing to throw myself in and ha' done with it, but couldn't bring my mind to that, and so went on, and got to Wydcombe just as they was going to bed.

The light shone out upon the broad and deep mill-head, illuminating to a distinct individuality every moth and gnat that entered the quivering chain of radiance stretching across the water towards him, and every bubble or atom of froth that floated into its width.