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Of the hundreds of women who volunteered for the last Western campaign, perhaps the most effective in their appeal were the disfranchised Eastern women. The most dramatic figure of them all was Inez Milholland Boissevain, the gallant and beloved crusader who gave her life that the day of women's freedom might be hastened.

What was that squealing?" "Oh, nothing. We just talked to that Linski. Nobody else touched him, but Ramsey Milholland gave him a peach of a punch on the snoot." "Whoopee!" Ramsey was laconic in response to inquiries upon this subject.

"Forward through the darkness Leave behind the night, Forward out of error, Forward into light" led into the hall the procession of young girl banner-bearers. Garbed in simple surplices, carrying their crusading banners high above their heads, these comrades of Inez Milholland Boissevain seemed more triumphant than sad. They seemed to typify the spirit in which she gave her life.

No fish had been caught, a lack of luck crossly attributed by the fishermen to the noise made by constant advice on the part of their attendant gallery. Messrs. Milholland, Bender, and the other rock throwers came up shouting, and were ill received. "For heaven's sakes," Heinie Krusemeyer demanded, "can't you shut up?

Ramsey's eyes fell before the severe and piercing gaze of his father. "Yes, sir." Mr. Milholland shook his head doubtfully; then, as his son walked slowly out of the room, he turned to complete his toilet in a somewhat uneasy frame of mind.

"Don't you think it's just perfectly lovely, Ramsey?" "Yes'm." The next morning Ramsey came into his father's room while Mr. Milholland was shaving, an hour before church time, and it became apparent that the son had someting on his mind, though for a while he said nothing. "Did you want anything, Ramsey?" "Well " "Didn't want to borrow my razors?" "No, sir." Mr. Milholland chuckled.

Some of these amateur pickets were girls fresh from college, and among these were Elsie Cole, the brilliant daughter of Albany's Superintendent of Schools, Inez Milholland, the beautiful and cherished daughter of a millionaire father, leader of her class, of 1909, in Vassar College, Elizabeth Dutcher and Violet Pike, both prominent in the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.

"He's gone ahead," she answered, buttoning her gloves as they went along. "I heard the door quite a little while ago. Perhaps he went over to walk down with Charlotte and Vance. Did you notice how neat he looks this morning?" "Why, no, I didn't; not particularly. Does he?" "I never saw anything like it before," said Mrs. Milholland. "He went down in the cellar and polished his own shoes." "What!"

That reminds me, I'd better arrange a debate on immigration for the Lumen. We'll put Brother Milholland for the negative, this time." Ramsey started violently. "See here " But the senior reassured him. "Just wanted to see you jump," he explained. "Don't fear; you've done your share." "I should think I have!" Ramsey groaned. "Yes, you won't be called on again this term.

William Kent of California, wife of Representative Kent, presented two resolutions which the vast audience approved by silently rising. One resolution, a tribute of rare beauty, prepared by Zona Gale, a friend of Inez Milholland, was a compelling appeal to all women to understand and to reverence the ideals of this inspiring leader. The other was an appeal to the Administration for action.