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I think if he hadn't talked Ruskin so much, Jenny Milbury might have treated him better. It was very priggish in him." "Oh, I can't imagine Mr. Colville's being priggish!" "He's very much improved. He used to be quite a sloven in his dress; you know how very slovenly most American gentlemen are in their dress, at any rate. I think that influenced her against him too."

Bowen," he said, with a touch of tragedy whether real or affected, he did not well know himself in his hardiness, "what has become of Mrs. Pilsbury?" "Mrs. Milbury, you mean?" gasped Mrs. Bowen, in affright at his boldness. "Milbury, Bilbury, Pilsbury it's all one, so long as it isn't "

"I ain't been feeling well of late," he confessed, "but it'll soon be over." He did not see the double meaning of his words until he had uttered them; he stirred uneasily in his dread that she would suspect. "I went to the doctor." "What did he say? though I don't know why I should ask what such a fool as Milbury said about anything."

"He is gone to the station to inquire about the trains. Do you know what time the last comes in?" "At nine forty-five," said the doctor. "That is what we were afraid of. It is for Bellairs, my maid. Her mother is very ill, and she is afraid she is not properly nursed. It is about five miles from the Milbury Station, and we thought of letting her go with a day-ticket to see about her.

"I used to dance," Colville began, while the officer stood looking patiently at him. This was true. He used to dance the Lancers, too, and very badly, seventeen years before. He had danced it with Lina Ridgely and the other one, Mrs. Milbury. His glance wandered to the vacant place on the floor; it was the same set which Miss Graham was in; she smiled and beckoned derisively.