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It is the same man, for he raved in the hospital, and they fetched me. It was you, of course, whom he wanted." "Alive! In London!" Annabel moaned. "Yes. Pull yourself together, Annabel! I must have the truth." The girl on the lounge drew a long sobbing breath. "You shall," she said. "Listen! There was a Meysey Hill in Paris, an American railway millionaire.

"You have forgotten. I am your husband, though as yet your hand has scarcely lain in mine." "It was a mistake," she faltered. "You told me that your name was Meysey Hill. I thought that you were he." His face darkened. "I did it for love of you," he said. "I lied, as I would have committed a murder, or done any evil deed sooner than lose you. What does it matter? I am not a pauper, Annabel.

"Isn't that a little extreme?" "I am an extreme person at times. This man has an evil reputation. I know of scandalous deeds which he has done." Anna had reached the house where she lodged, but she hesitated on the doorstep. "Have you ever seen Annabel with him?" she asked. "Never." "It is odd that this man at the hospital should call himself Meysey Hill," she remarked.

Ennison seemed to feel already the shadow of tragedy approaching. He stood by her side, and he suffered her hands to rest in his. "You remember the man in Paris who used to follow me about Meysey Hill they called him?" He nodded. "Miserable bounder," he murmured. "Turned out to be an impostor, too." "He imposed on me," Annabel continued. "I believed that he was the great multi-millionaire.

He worried me to marry him. I let him take me to the English Embassy, and we went through some sort of a ceremony. I thought it would be magnificent to have a great house in Paris, and more money than any other woman. Afterwards we started for déjeuner in a motor. On the way he confessed. He was not Meysey Hill, but an Englishman of business, and he had only a small income.

"Yes, I have heard of him, and I know him by sight," he admitted. "He was a friend of your sister's, was he not?" "I never heard her mention his name," she answered. "Still, of course, it is possible. This man was apparently not sure whether he was Meysey Hill or not." "How long had he been in the hospital?" Courtlaw asked. "Since last night."

We were to have breakfast there and return in the evening. On the way he confessed. He was a London man of business, spending a small legacy in Paris. He had heard me sing the fool thought himself in love with me. Celeste he knew. She was chaffing him about being taken for Meysey Hill, and suggested that he should be presented to me as the millionaire. He told me with a coarse nervous laugh.

I questioned him too closely about his possessions, and remarked upon the fact that he was a most inexpert driver, although Meysey Hill had a great reputation as a motorist. Anyhow he confessed that he was a fraud. I struck him across the face, jumped out and went back by train to Paris. He lost control of the machine, was upset and nearly killed."

He personated over there a millionaire named Meysey Hill, and it seems that he induced Annabel to go through some sort of marriage with him at the Embassy." "Where?" Courtlaw asked quickly. "In Paris." Courtlaw seemed about to say something. He changed his mind however, and simply motioned to her to proceed.

Podmore's excellent book, though invaluable, are probably not exhaustive. Colonel Meysey Thompson's Reminiscences relate a wonderful occurrence connected with his father, but it is believed that more striking matters occurred even than this. To return to the haunted house. The fact was not known to Miss Freer and her friends until several visions of nuns had been seen in the glen.