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To this I should answer, without being the least ashamed, but en badinant: O je ne vous dirai tas qui c'est; c'est un petit ami que je tiens incognito, qui a son merite, et qui, a force d'etre connu, fait oublier sa figure.

C'est le seul titre en sa faveur Et c'est le vrai merite. Que Grammont tonne contre toi, La chose est naturelle. Elle voudrait donner la loi Et n'est qu' une mortelle; Il faut, pour plaire au plus grand roi, Sans orgueil etre belle.*

Dulhut, Gentilhomme Lionnois, qui a beaucoup de merite et de capacite." La Hontan, i. 103 . "Le Sieur du Lut, homme d'esprit et d'experience." Le Clercq, ii. 137. Charlevoix calls him "one of the bravest officers the King has ever had in this colony." His name is variously spelled Du Luc, Du Lud, Du Lude, Du Lut, Du Luth, Du Lhut.

I will spare you all eulogy," cried Frederick, giving his hand warmly to Voltaire. At the close of the first day at Sans-Souci, the new gentleman of the bedchamber returned to Potsdam, adorned with the order "Pour le merite," and a written assurance from the king of a pension of five thousand thalers in his pocket.

Dites-moi donc, ma fille, Qu'en toute sa personne un haut merite brille, Qu'il touche votre coeur, et qu'il vous seroit doux De le voir par men choix devenir votre epoux!" "Have we not read the scene prettily, Elmire?" says the Colonel, laughing, and turning round to his wife. Elmira prodigiously admired Orgon's reading, and so did his daughters, and almost everything besides which Mr.

But, secondly, as to Ceylon being the local representative of Paradise, we may say, as the courteous Frenchman did to Dr Moore, upon the Doctor's apologetically remarking of a word which he had used, that he feared it was not good French "Non, Monsieur, il n'est pas; mais il mérite bien l'être."

True it is, I haue conceiued a great opinion of the iourney, and do thinke honorably of the Commanders: for we find in greatest antiquities, that many Commanders haue bene receiued home with triumph for lesse merite, and that our owne countrey hath honored men heretofore with admiration for aduentures vnequal to this: it might therefore in those daies haue seemed superfluous to extend any mans commendations by particular remembrances, for that then all men were ready to giue enery man his due.

"And here you can see how this ribbon frayed through and parted from the clasp," added Frank. "Turn it over," said Bob. "If it's a real one given by the Kaiser it will have the recipient's name on it." Sure enough, there it was: "Ober-Lieutenant Frederik von Arnheim." And beneath was inscribed: "Pour le merite." "Great Scott, Bob," said Frank. "What do you make of this?"

To this I should answer, without being the least ashamed, but en badinant: O je ne vous dirai tas qui c'est; c'est un petit ami que je tiens incognito, qui a son merite, et qui, a force d'etre connu, fait oublier sa figure.

When the correspondents reached his headquarters in a little war-worn French village they were informed that the Kaiser had just summoned the general to decorate him with the high German military order, the Pour le Merite. Luncheon was postponed until the general returned.