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For the rest, Bordeaux is a big, rich, handsome, imposing com- mercial town, with long rows of fine old eighteenth- century houses, which overlook the yellow Garonne. I have spoken of the quays of Nantes as fine, but those of Bordeaux have a wider sweep and a still more architectural air.

"He said he was 'mercial," said James. "So he did. Now he says as how he's a lawyer. What's a poor man to do?" "I'm a commercial lawyer," said Dockwrath. "He must leave the room, or I shall leave the house," said Moulder. "Gentlemen, gentlemen!" said Crump. "This kind of thing does not happen often, and on this occasion I must try your kind patience. If Mr.

"Master's just stepped out, down the street," said James. "Why don't you answer my question, sir?" said Moulder, becoming redder and still more red about his shirt-collars. "The gent said as how he was 'mercial," said the poor man. "Was I to go to contradict a gent and tell him he wasn't when he said as how he was?" "If you please," said Mr.

But the King's Head does a business with real commercials, and the stranger finds himself out of his element. "'Mercial, sir?" said the waiter at The Bull Inn, Leeds, to Mr. Dockwrath, in that tone of doubt which seemed to carry an answer to his own question. But Mr. Dockwrath was not a man to be put down by a waiter. "Yes," said he. "Didn't you hear me say so?" And then the waiter gave way.

Why," he continued, warming to his subject and seemingly ignorant of its myths, "I once seen a man ride into San Mercial with his face that white it wouldn't 'a' showed a chalk mark! And he was holdin' up his thumb like it was pizen which it was! And he was cuttin' for old Doc Struthers that fast his cayuse was sparkin' out of his ears. Bit by a hydrophoby skunk yes, sirree.