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You see, his name is S. Mellar, and if you say it quickly it sounds like 'Smeller. So we call him 'Stinker. It was a kid called Lane thought of it. Pretty smart eh? Oh, he's a clever chap, I can tell you," yelled Gerald, with sincere enthusiasm. "He must be a youth of gigantic intellect," I said. "Oh, come off the roof!

At present he appears to possess only two ambitions in life; one, to gain a place in his Junior House Fifteen, and the other, to score some signal and lasting victory over his form-master, a Mr Sydney Mellar, with whom he appears to wage a sort of perpetual guerilla warfare.

I have never met Mr Mellar in the flesh, but I am conscious, as time goes on and my young relative's reminiscences on the subject accumulate, of an increasing feeling of admiration and respect for him. "He's a rotten brute," observed Gerald one day. "Do you know what he had the cheek to do last term?" "What?" "Well, there was a clinking new desk put into our form-room, at the back.

Every vacation brings him home with a fresh tale of base subterfuges, petty tyrannies, and childish exhibitions of spite on the part of the infamous Mellar, all duly frustrated, crushed, and made ridiculous by the ingenuity, resource, and audacity of the intrepid Rubislaw.