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Simcott, Cromwell's physician, who pronounced him splenetic. Sir Theodore Mayerne was also consulted, who, in his manuscript journal for 1628, describes his patient as valde melancholicus. Eliis, Orig. I live, you know where, in Meshec, which they say signifies prolonging, in Kedar, which signifies blackness. Yet the Lord forsaketh me not, though he do prolong.

The Soul of Lead consists in a sweet quality, as also doth the Soul of Tin, and sweeter yet, that nothing almost may be compared to it, being first of all purified to the highest by separation, that the pure be well separated from the impure, that a perfect accomplishment may succeed in the Operation: Otherwise the Spirit of Lead is by nature cold and dry, wherefore I advise, that it be not much used by Men and Women, because it over cools Nature, so that the Seed of both cannot perform their Natural Function; nor doth it much good to the Spleen and Bladder, but in other cases it attracts flegmatick Humours unto it, which raise up much Melancholy in Men; for Saturn is a Ruler, and such a Melancholicus, whereby a Man is confirm'd in his Melancholy, wherefore its Spirit is used, for one Melancholy Spirit attracts another unto it, whereby Mans Body is freed and delivered from its infused Melancholy.