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Mein Lieber, you have seen that painting of course, I mean Joan of Arc, life-size, clad in steel, sword in hand, and with a wonderful serenity expressed in her countenance, as she leads her flagging troops once more to the attack upon the walls. It has all the softness of a Coreggio, and the vigour of a Rubens. Milor gave three bounds, and was in the middle of the shop in a moment.

I demanded so sternly that even Poopendyke was startled. Conrad almost resorted to the expediency of grovelling. "Forgive! forgive!" he groaned. "I have done only what was best." "Produce the keys, sir!" "But not to-night, not to-night," he pleaded. "She will be very angry. She will not like it, mein herr. Ach, Gott! She will drive us out, she will shame us all!

"You silly fool! do you think you'll get the ghost of a show when all that lot of brutes is in the water? Why, they will batter your head for you from these boats." 'He wrung his hands, ignored, at Jim's elbow. The skipper kept up a nervous shuffle in one place and mumbled, "Hammer! hammer! Mein Gott! Get a hammer."

You may be sure that he was very loath to leave his good wife, so young, so delicate, so sprightly, in the midst of the dangers, temptations, snares and pitfalls of this gallant assemblage, which comprised so many handsome fellows, bold as eagles, proud of mein, and as fond of women as the people are partial to Paschal hams.

You tink we are fine gentlemen and ladies, like dese Americans dat is too proud to vork vid hands. I say tam dis country, vere day say all is alike, an' vork all; and ven you come here, it is dat nobody vill vork, if he can help, and vimmins ish shame to be seen vork. It is not shame to be seen vork; I vork, mein vife vork too, an' my childrens vork too, py tam!"

"So," cried Coble, after the boat shoved off, "liberty's stopped as well as singing. What next, I wonder? I sha'n't stand this long." "No," replied Short. "Stop till he makes friends with the widow," observed Bill Spurey; "she'll get us all leave." "Mein Gott, he nebber say anyting before," observed Jansen. "No; we might almost go and come as we wished. We must not stand this."

Nearly all of the grand paintings, the tapestries that came from France and Italy hundreds of years ago, the wonderful old bedsteads and tables that were here when the castle was new all gone! And for mere songs, mein herr, the cheapest of songs! "Please don't weep now, Herr Schmick," I made haste to exclaim, seeing lachrymose symptoms in his blear old eyes. Then I became firm once more.

"He's not on the ship's books, so I can't see how it can be mutiny." "No," rejoined Short. "Mein Got he is not a tog, he is te tyfel," observed Jansen. "Who knows how he came into the cutter?" "There's a queer story about that," said one of the men. Tum tum, tumty tum said the fiddle of Jemmy Ducks, as if it took part in the conference.

"Mein Gott, mein Gott, mein Gott!" exclaimed the corporal, putting his hands to his eyes as if to shut out the horrid vision. "What the devil is the matter?" exclaimed Coble. "Ah! mein Gott, mein Gott!" As it was evident that something uncommon had happened, they all now crowded round the corporal, who, by degrees, recovered himself. "What is it, corporal?" inquired Jemmy Ducks.

"How old is that kid?" asked Hondo when the letter was done. "Eleven," said Fritz. "And where is she at?" "At dose rock quarries working. Ach, mein Gott little Lena, she speak of drowning. I do not know if she vill do it, but if she shall I schwear I vill dot Peter Hildesmuller shoot mit a gun." "You Dutchers," said Hondo Bill, his voice swelling with fine contempt, "make me plenty tired.