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"I haf money plendy money," said Eli. "In de ol' country I vas rich. I thought maybe I stay dere an' make myself happy. It vas one big job. Mein frients dey hate me becos I haf succeed so much. De odders hate me becos de butcher haf mein fadder been. Dey laugh at my good close. Nobody likes me not. I come avay. Dey don't blame you here becos you vos born." "What has Davis done to you?"

'Luise will run fast, and I can't run, the old man went on in Italian, dragging his flat gouty feet, shod in high slippers with knots of ribbon. 'I've brought some water. In his withered, knotted fingers, he clutched a long bottle neck. 'But meanwhile Emil will die! cried the girl, and holding out her hand to Sanin, 'O, sir, O mein Herr! can't you do something for him?

The old philosopher's thin face lit up with pleasure. "You consent, then?" he chuckled in his womanish treble. "Of course I do. Begin at once, and have done with it." "Not now, mein Herr; some modifications must be made in the connections mere matters of detail. Come again to-night." "At what hour?" "At ten. Mein Vögelein, show the Herr the way out."

"Corporal Van Spitter, I order you below all of you below," cried Vanslyperken; "I command here will you obey, sir?" "Mein Gott, yes," replied the corporal, walking away, and coolly descending the ladder. The boats were now within ten yards of the cutter, and the men stood irresolute; the corporal obeying orders had disheartened them: some of them followed the corporal.

Then a brilliant idea seized upon the brain of the clerk an idea which sent a hot flush from the top of his head to the soles of his somewhat flat feet. "That party of soldiers who came here a little time ago," he cried; "those prisoners who broke out of Ruhleben who else, mein Herr Winterborgen who else can have wanted such clothing, such disguises?

Gust succeeded gust, and, at last, the corporal's teeth chattered with the cold: he raised his feet out of the water at the bottom of the boat, for his feet were like ice, but in so doing, the weight of his body being above the centre of gravity, the boat careened over, and with a "Mein Gott!" he hastily replaced them in the cold water.

"Yes, he has arrived," he said shortly. "I have I have just seen him." "Oh!" It was almost a cry. "Then then they will do it? Mein Herr, mein Herr, help me! Egon, he has been thinking only of this for years; and now, if he does it, he will think of nothing else all his life. And he mustn't he mustn't! It's it will be madness. I know him. Mein Herr, there is nobody else I can ask; help me!"

After many hints thrown out, but not taken by the wily corporal, who was resolved that Vanslyperken should speak plainly, the deed and the reward of ten guineas were openly proclaimed, and Vanslyperken waited for the corporal's reply. "Mein Gott, Mynheer Vanslyperken! suppose it vas possible, I not take your money, I do it wid pleasure; but, sir, it not possible."

The tempest of his wrath subsided as suddenly as it had risen, and he stood short-sightedly, his head thrust forward, peering into my eyes, helpless, panting, disarmed. "You will not ah, you will not!" I whispered. "Ach, Du!" he murmured. "Du bist mein Frankenstein! Ich kann nicht ich ich habe alles verloren, verloren! Ehre, Ruhm, Pflicht, Redlichkeit, den guten Namen! Verloren! Verloren!"

In fact, we could almost sympathise in our cold, matter-of-fact American way with the sentimental German inscription which we read on the wall: Von Nuvolau's hohen Wolkenstufen Lass mich, Natur, durch deine Himmel rufen An deiner Brust gesunde, wer da krank! So wird zum Volkerdank mein Sachsendank.