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The count blandly waved Sir Norman to follow, which Sir Norman did, with much the mein of a sulky lion; and, a moment after, both were facing each other within the archway. "Well!" cried the young knight, impatiently; "I am waiting. Go on!" "My dear Kingsley," responded the count, in his easy way, "I think you are laboring under a little mistake.

Hitherto Madame had always been filled with shame at the thought that she was not the wife of an architect but of a prophet, and Mr. Sagittarius had endeavoured to assume the mein and costume of an outside broker, and had dreamed dreams of retiring eventually from a hated and despised profession.

Carefully he re-read, made some erasures, folded, and put it in an envelope. As he sealed the envelope, a big dog came bounding down the bank, and poked its cold, black nose inquisitively in his face. "Ah! Tiger, mein Herr, how are you? Where is your master?" "Here," said Doctor Frank. "Don't let me intrude. Write the address, by all means."

Among the first of our engineers to go out were three unusual men, Hennen Jennings, H. C. Perkins and Captain Thomas Mein. Together with Hamilton Smith, another noted American engineer who joined them later, they had all worked in the famous El Callao gold mine in Venezuela.

And we never called anything by its right name in the chemistry classes, you know; that was part of the er trick. We called water H2 or something like that. We called you J.H.U, Herr Professor." "What does that mean, Fraeulein?" "Jolly hard up," returned Marguerite, with a laugh which suddenly gave place, with a bewildering rapidity, to a confidential gravity. "You were poor then, mein Herr."

My father is a King's officer, and before he came here he fought for his country." "Veil, Mees Dorotee, I do beg your pardon mooch, and I vill vight vor mein country if you vil learn to loaf me on dot account." But Miss Dolly would listen no more, and, with a ceremonious bow, walked away.

"Gott for dam, what it can be!" exclaimed Jansen. "It must be the treason." "Mein Gott! yes," replied Corporal Van Spitter. "It is all treason, and the traitor be Vanslyperken." But although the corporal had some confused ideas, yet he could not yet arrange them.

And then, one evening, when the last rays of the sun were shining along the hills and touching the stems of the tall pines, we drove into a narrow valley and caught sight of a large brown building of wood, with projecting eaves and quaint windows, that stood close by the forest. "Here is my dear inn!" cried Tita, with a great glow of delight and affection in her face. "Here is mein gutes Thal!

The bugle sends forth its blast, loud, clear, and ringing. Off go the boys. "Mein Gott!" cries a tough old fellow from Delft. "They beat every thing, these Amsterdam youngsters. See them!" See them, indeed! They are winged Mercuries, every one of them. What mad errand are they on? Ah, I know: they are hunting Peter van Holp. He is some fleet-footed runaway from Olympus.

In a minute he was wringing their hands and smiling into great red, white, and blue smiles. "Coom in, coom in, lad. Hi, Marta, here be Rolf and Quonab. Mein Hemel! mein Hemel! what am I now so happy." "Where's Annette?" asked Rolf. "Ach, poor Annette, she fever have a little; not mooch, some," and he led over to a corner where on a low cot lay Annette, thin, pale, and listless.