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John extending "from the Falls of Medoctek to the Grand Falls," a distance of more than ninety miles. After the expiration of eleven years from the date of his grant, Rene d'Amours seems to have done nothing more towards its improvement than building a house upon it and clearing 15 acres of land.

They are well made and good hunters. They attend to the cultivation of the soil and have some fine fields of Indian corn and pumpkins. Their fort is at Medoctek. At forty leagues still farther up there is another fort which is the common retreat of the Kanibas, or Abenakis, when they are afraid of something in their country. It is on the bank of a little river which flows into the St.

"At a distance of eighteen leagues from Father Germain's post of duty is another called Medoctek, which is dependent on the same mission and served by the Jesuit father Loverga, who has been there nine months, and who has the care of a band of Marechites; but, in addition to the fact that Father Loverga is on the point of leaving, he would be useless there on account of his great age and it would be better to send there next spring Father Audren, since this mission is daily becoming more important, especially to the savages whose chief occupation is beaver hunting.

From the River du Loup by a portage of 18 leagues to Lake Temiscouata. From Madaoechka to Grand Falls. From Grand Falls to Medoctek. From Ecouba to Jemsec. From Jemsec, leaving the River St. From Petkoudiak to Memeramcouk descending the river which bears that name. From Nechkak to Beausejour."