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"Since you are not going to play any more," said the amiable gentleman, leaving his chair, "will you permit me to say a word to you?" Saniel bowed, and together they left the table. When they were far enough away to converse without disturbing the players, the gentleman bowed ceremoniously: "Permit me to present myself-Prince Mazzazoli." Saniel replied by giving his name and position.

He told her how he had played and won, without stating the exact sum; also the propositions of the Prince Mazzazoli, the meeting with Duphot, and the telegram to Jardine. "Oh! What happiness!" she said, pressing him in her arms. "You are free!" "No more creditors! I am my own master. You see it was a good inspiration. Justice willed it."

"Since you are not going to play any more," said the amiable gentleman, leaving his chair, "will you permit me to say a word to you?" Saniel bowed, and together they left the table. When they were far enough away to converse without disturbing the players, the gentleman bowed ceremoniously: "Permit me to present myself-Prince Mazzazoli." Saniel replied by giving his name and position.

He told her how he had played and won, without stating the exact sum; also the propositions of the Prince Mazzazoli, the meeting with Duphot, and the telegram to Jardine. "Oh! What happiness!" she said, pressing him in her arms. "You are free!" "No more creditors! I am my own master. You see it was a good inspiration. Justice willed it."

"Since you are not going to play any more," said the amiable gentleman, leaving his chair, "will you permit me to say a word to you?" Saniel bowed, and together they left the table. When they were far enough away to converse without disturbing the players, the gentleman bowed ceremoniously: "Permit me to present myself-Prince Mazzazoli." Saniel replied by giving his name and position.

He told her how he had played and won, without stating the exact sum; also the propositions of the Prince Mazzazoli, the meeting with Duphot, and the telegram to Jardine. "Oh! What happiness!" she said, pressing him in her arms. "You are free!" "No more creditors! I am my own master. You see it was a good inspiration. Justice willed it."