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An immense amount of property was lost; though I believe all the customary military trophies were preserved. As the provincials had been the least engaged, and had suffered much the least, in proportion to numbers, a large body of them was kept as a rear-guard, while the regular corps removed their wounded and materiel.

First came the gun with its chief and six cannoneers, then the limber with its four horses ridden by two men, beyond that the caisson with its six horses and three drivers, still further to the rear were the prolonge, forge, and battery wagon; and this array of men, horses and materiel extended to the rear in a straight unbroken line of more than a hundred yards in length; to say nothing of the spare caisson and the men and beasts who were to fill the places of those removed by casualties, who were stationed at one side, as much as possible out of the enemy's line of fire.

They particularly object that the Duke fought without having the means of a retreat, if the attacks of his enemy had proved successful; and that the English army, if once broken, must have lost all its guns and MATERIEL in its flight through the Forest of Soignies, that lay in its rear.

The motives, the personnel, almost the matériel, the incidents, are the same. I should think it would amuse Mr. Pulitzer, imitating nature from his actual observation, to find how essentially his study is the same with that of Curtis imitating nature fifty-seven years ago. There is more of nature in bulk, not in variety, to be imitated now, but as Mr.

Je reviendrai le plus vite que je pourrai sans hasarder ma sante. "J'ai loue un petit bateau hier avec lequel j'ai explore la riviere d'Amiens la Somme en haut de la ville. Il est impossible d'imaginer rien de plus pittoresque. Il y a une grande quantite de petites maisons et baraques au bord de l'eau et je vais prendre la le materiel d'une eau-forte.

The matériel of war should also be upon the best footing, and abundant. The reserves should be stored in the depots and arsenals. National jealousy should not be allowed to prevent the adoption of all improvements in this matériel made in other countries. It is necessary that the study of the military sciences should be encouraged and rewarded, as well as courage and zeal.

An ordinary balloon, with a lifting power sufficient to carry up three persons, with necessary ballast and materiel, is about fifty feet high, thirty-five feet in diameter' and 2,250 cubic feet in capacity. Of such a balloon, the accessories the skin, the network, the car would weigh about 335 lbs. To find out the height at which he has arrived, the aeronaut consults his barometer.

"Je suis bien arrive chez ma tante que j'ai trouvee en bonne sante, mais je suis toujours horriblement triste ici, et je me le reproche, car ma tante est toujours si bonne. Elle nous avait destine la belle chambre-a-coucher, et j'ai la chambre tout seul, ce qui ne contribue pas a diminuer ma tristesse. Une chose au moins me console: j'ai le materiel pour mon livre sur l'eau-forte, c'est beaucoup.

A mat or wicker-work screen divided the hut into two apartments, one of which was entirely given over to the naturalist and his matériel. "I vil begin at vonce," said the eager man, on taking possession. And he kept his word by placing his lamp on a table in a conspicuous position, so that it could be well seen from the outside.

The development of ordnance carried with it the manufacture of quantities of ammunition hitherto undreamt of, the building of railway and motorized artillery, the improvement of sight and fire-control apparatus, the making of all sorts of trench-warfare matériel.