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Lord Granville said something, as I understood, about a foreign countess to whom he presented me, but I did not catch her name, and concluded she was some Italian relative of the Marochettis. Lady Granville did not appear, being unwell; and Lady Ailesbury, the only other lady present, did the honours.

The Secretary of State sent out an order that Anderson was not to be given up without instructions from him; and the Court of Queen's Bench sent out a writ of habeas corpus, directing the man to be brought before it. The Journal here mentions the awfully sudden death of a friend of many years' standing: January 8th. The Frederick Elliots and Marochettis dined with us.

Attended the funeral at Ancrum on the 10th. Mr. Liddell read the English service at the grave. To Brougham on my way back. October 13th. Left London on a visit to the Marochettis at Vaux. 23rd. Visit to the Guizots at Val Richer. 27th, to Caen. 28th, to Angers. 30th, to Saumur. November 1st. Amboise. 2nd, Loches. 4th, Paris. 7th. Home. 8th. Dinner at Lord Granville's. 23rd.

Persignys and Morny there. Breakfast at Vaux with Marochettis on the 6th. Met Sigismond Krasinski's son Ladislas at his mother's. From Lord Clarendon G. C., April 6th.