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Take taxicab and fifty dollars. If you have only fifty dollars the filet of sole Marguery is very good. Brooklyn Bridge. Terrible. And their auction is worse. When you have visited all these places, it will probably be time to take the train to your school.

His eyes met ours with apprehension and a determination that ended in a certain amount of questioning in their glance. "Certainly!" we all hastened to assure him. "Not over two days." "Just long enough," said Jimmie, beamingly, "to have one lunch at the Café Marguery for sole

Michael was tacitly sped on his way with his teapot full of claret. Gaspard did amazing things with the breasts of ducks and segments of orange, with squab chicken stuffed with new corn, with filets de sole a la Marguery.

Now those who had succeeded them, as allies, were, over a sole Marguery, discussing air-ships, armored automobiles, and mitrailleuses.

Thus it happened that, at half past six that evening, M. Kaufmann-Levi conducted his four guests from the Restaurant Marguery to a sidewalk table of the Café de la Paix, and for almost an hour they watched the crowd making its way to the Opera. "You see, Moe," Abe said, "everything is tunics this year; tunics oder chiffon overskirts, net collars and yokes." Moe nodded absently.