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It would be more interesting to learn how our relation seemed to Mapiao. His exigence, we may suppose, was merely loyal. He had been hired by the ignorant to do a piece of work; and he was bound that he would do it the right way. Countless obstacles, continual ignorant ridicule, availed not to dissuade him.

But our chief visitor was one Mapiao, a great Tahuku which seems to mean priest, wizard, tattooer, practiser of any art, or, in a word, esoteric person and a man famed for his eloquence on public occasions and witty talk in private. His first appearance was typical of the man.

Stevenson was, by this time, prepared for any eccentricity on the part of our guest; and instead of passing him the water, flung his dinner overboard. I must do Mapiao justice: all laughed, but his laughter rang the loudest. These troubles of service were at worst occasional; the embarrassment of the man's talk incessant.

The talk, in this lost house upon the mountains, ran chiefly upon Mapiao and his visits to the Casco: the news of which had probably gone abroad by then to all the island, so that there was no paepae in Hiva-oa where they did not make the subject of excited comment. Not much beyond we came upon a high place in the foot of the ravine. Two roads divided it, and met in the midst.

Names of places, the name of Captain Hart, occasional disconnected words, tantalised without enlightening us; and the less we understood, the more gallantly, the more copiously, and with still the more explanatory gestures, Mapiao returned to the assault.

Some salted fish I therefore brought him, and along with that a glass of rum: at sight of which Mapiao displayed extraordinary animation, pointed to the zenith, made a long speech in which I picked up umati the word for the sun and signed to me once more to place these dainties out of reach. At last I had understood, and every day the programme was the same.