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Dans quatre heures vous serez heureuse. In four hours you will be happy. Allons du courage, et surtout soyez maitre de vous meme. Then take courage and above all preserve your self-possession. It is the French way of expressing one's self," observed she. "I am glad your friend is disposed to help you," she continued, giving me back the letter with a smile. "I am afraid you needed it."

The Baronne kept the Vicomte close to her side all the rest of the evening she told me, as she kissed me in saying good-bye, that she had done it for peace sake, as she knew he and the Marquis would have had a quarrel otherwise, they were both so madly in love with me. "Petite embrouillante d'heureuses familles va!" she said "Mais je t'aime bien quand même!" She is a darling, the Baronne!

Read the campaign of Moscow, said another gentleman to me, you will there see the French character: "Les François sont les seuls dans l'univers qui pourroient rire meme en gelant."

Je fus si frappe des liens qui unissent le francais moderne au francais ancien, j'apercus tant de cas ou les sens et des locutions du jour ne s'expliquent que par les sens et les locutions d'autrefois, tant d'exemples ou la forme des mots n'est pas intelligible sans les formes qui ont precede, qu'il me sembla que la doctrine et meme l'usage de la langue restent mal assis s'ils ne reposent sur leur base antique."

The French original of Piron is this: "Ci git Piron; qui ne fut rien; Pas meme acadamicien." The bitter arrow of the second line was feathered to hit the French Acadamie, who had declined to elect him a member. Our translation is this: "Here lies Piron; who was nothing; or, if that could be, was less: How! nothing? Yes, nothing; not so much as F. R. S."

Madame Tibault, fat and indulgent, presides at the desk, and takes your money. Nicolette and Mémé, madame's nieces, in charming bib aprons, bring the desirable beverages. Dumars, with true Creole luxury, was sipping his absinthe, with half-closed eyes, in a swirl of cigarette smoke.

I wish I could forget a certain luncheon in the course of which Mme. With pensively narrowed eyes, I uttered my formula when she ceased. This formula she repeated, in a tone even more pensive than mine. 'Mais je ne le connais pas, she then loudly exclaimed. 'Je ne connais pas même le nom.

Oh, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, And taste with a distempered appetite! Shakspeare. Il doutait de tout, même de l'amour. French Novel. Solvitur ambulando. Solutio Sophismatum. Flevit amores Non elaboratum ad pedem. Horace.

«A la verité, quelque montagnes calcaires même

It may be true that the essential nature and omniscient knowledge of God is the ultimate and eternal standard of truth and certainty, or, in the words of Fenelon, that "il n'y a qu'une seule verité, et qu'une seule manière de bien juger, qui est, de juger comme Dieu même;" and yet it may not be true that all our knowledge is derived by deduction from our idea of God, or that its entire certainty is dependent on our religious belief.