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It did not take long to turn over the new leaf of our home experience. One sunny day three of us children, my youngest sister, my brother John, and I, took with my mother the first stage-coach journey of our lives, across Lynnfield plains and over Andover hills to the banks of the Merrimack.

John Armitage represented the District the twentieth Essex comprising the towns of Saugus, Lynnfield, Middleton and Topsfield. He has been engaged in the woollen business most of his life; formerly a partner with Pranker & Co. He has also held other town offices with great acceptance. J.B. Calley succeeded Mr. Armitage, it being the second time he had been elected.

He had his eye on a farm in Lynnfield, but he was as yet a mere boy, and his plans for the future were very vague until he fell in love with Bessy Houghton. In reality nobody was more surprised over this than Lawrence himself.

I must also wash a couple of shirts, make a cap out of a piece of canvas trousers, stop a leak in my pea-jacket, read a chapter in the Bible, which I promised my grandmother in Lynnfield I would do every Sunday, and bottle off an hour's sleep." "Well, then," said I, "if you have so much to do, no time is to be lost. You had better go to work at once."

I've laid the facts before your partner, I s'pose, but I thought I'd just drop in and give him a few pointers that might help my case." "What is your case?" asked Albert, a little amused at being taken for Frye's partner. "Wal, the facts are," replied Staples, "I've had to sue a miserable whelp in self-defence. I live in Lynnfield.

Then the old dog and Nanny went home together. The Wooing of Bessy When Lawrence Eastman began going to see Bessy Houghton the Lynnfield people shrugged their shoulders and said he might have picked out somebody a little younger and prettier but then, of course, Bessy was well off. A two-hundred-acre farm and a substantial bank account were worth going in for.

I've been to blame for believing falsehoods about you, but I believe them no longer, and I've come to ask you to forgive me." He told his story simply and straightforwardly. In strict justice he could not keep his mother's name out of it, but he merely said she had been mistaken. Perhaps Bessy understood none the less. She knew what Mrs. Eastman's reputation in Lynnfield was.

As a good example of an even more disappointing type of chronological histories we may take the History of Lynn, including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscott, and Nahant, by Alonzo Lewis and James R. Newhall, an octavo of six hundred and twenty pages, published in 1865.

He built his house on a rocky knoll, the spot being at the intersection of the road leading from Saugus to Lynnfield with the Newburyport turnpike, known as Hawkes' Corner. This house being burned the bricks of the old chimney were put into another, and when again this chimney was taken down a few years ago there were found bricks with the date of 1601 upon them.

Trust an Eastman for knowing upon which side his bread was buttered. Lawrence was only twenty, and looked even younger, owing to his smooth, boyish face, curly hair, and half-girlish bloom. Bessy Houghton was in reality no more than twenty-five, but Lynnfield people had the impression that she was past thirty.