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'In that case, said Mrs. Luxmore, 'you may save yourself the trouble of speaking, for I have fully made up my mind to have nothing to do with her. I will not hear one word in her defence; but as I value nothing so particularly as the virtue of justice, I think it my duty to explain to you the grounds of my complaint.

"Yes that's it it can be nothing else! I did not think he would have dared to do it." "Do what, John? Who?" "Lord Luxmore." He spoke in the smothered tones of violent passion. "Lord Luxmore has turned out of its course the stream that works my mill." I tried to urge that such an act was improbable; in fact, against the law. "Not against the law of the great against the little.

Godall is going to do something for us. That is what brings us here. 'Who was Mrs. Desborough? said Challoner, in the tone of a man of society. 'She was a Miss Luxmore, returned Harry. 'You fellows will be sure to like her, for she is much cleverer than I. She tells wonderful stories, too; better than a book. And just then the door opened, and Mrs. Desborough entered.

Brithwood looked too enraged for words; but Lord Luxmore, taking snuff with a sarcastic smile, said: "Honores mutant mores! I thought, Mr. Halifax, you eschewed politics?" "Mere politics I do, but not honesty, justice, morality; and a few facts have reached my knowledge, though possibly not Lord Luxmore's, which make me feel that Mr.

"And this steam-engine I have heard of it before will greatly advantage your mills?" "It will, my lord. It renders me quite independent of your stream, of which the fountains at Luxmore can now have the full monopoly." It would not have been human nature if a spice of harmless malice even triumph had not sparkled in John's eye, as he said this.

Halifax, in the casual civil inquiry which was all the old earl ever won in our house, asked after the health of Lord Luxmore. "He is still at Compiegne. Does not Guy mention him? Lord Luxmore takes the greatest pleasure in Guy's society." By her start, this was evidently new and not welcome tidings to Guy's mother. No wonder.

But the whole tale came home to me; and I was the better able to feel for you in your various perplexities, as I am myself of somewhat hasty temper. 'I do not understand you, said Mrs. Luxmore, with some marks of irritation. 'You must have strangely misinterpreted what I have told you. You fill me with surprise. Somerset, alarmed by the old lady's change of tone and manner, hurried to recant.

Lord Luxmore, who had been going about with his dazzling diamond snuff-box and equally dazzling smile, stopped in the middle of the aisle, bowed, replied, "With pleasure certainly!" and walked inside the communion rail, as if believing that his presence there conveyed the highest compliment he could pay the spot. The poll began in perfect silence.

He had not married Lady Caroline. This morning's intelligence brought the Luxmore family so much to our thoughts, that driving out after breakfast, John and I involuntarily recurred to the subject. Nay, talking on, in the solitude of our front seat for Mrs. Halifax, Miss Halifax, and Mrs.

Desborough returned to the Divan, the Prince, opening a door upon the other side, admitted Mrs. Luxmore. 'Madam and my very good friend, said he, 'is my face so much changed that you no longer recognise Prince Florizel in Mr. Godall? 'To be sure! she cried, looking at him through her glasses.