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They saw nothing but the rock and the red light behind it. The huge rock looming in the mist was like a gigantic black woman with a hood of fire. That ill-famed rock is called the Biblet. It faces the north side the reef, which on the south is faced by another ridge, L'Etacq-aux-giulmets. The chief looked at the Biblet, and shouted, "A man with a will to take a rope to the rock! Who can swim?"

"There's your answer, Doctor," Dick Earle said. "Thank you. Now I ask for a unanimous opinion. Can we fly our winged horse on this new schedule?" The shout sent Prince Machiavelli skittering up to Rick's neck and down inside his shirt. Pegasus was committed to flight! The problem of the Earthman was looming larger, Rick thought. The next target for the saboteur would be his own project.

The strong tide beneath them, and the light, favouring wind, bore them past at a rate that the spectators had scarcely expected. They could just descry the dark, looming objects gliding swiftly and silently along. But would the gunners in Quebec see them? The onlookers held their breath as the phantom ships sailed upon their way.

Snivel's handsome figure is seen looming out of a private box in the left-hand procenium, behind the curtain of which, and on the opposite side, a mysterious hand every now and then frisks, makes a small but prudent opening, and disappears. Again it appears, with delicate and chastely-jeweled fingers.

This helped me, and presently, on the upper side, I came upon the dense substance of the stack looming black against the lighter hill. My heart beat fast, but it was no time for thought.

They both paused and studied the gently swaying masses of corn, and behind them the looming woods, sinister with possible secrets. "Well," said old Peter. The major moved uneasily and put his hand to his brow. Peter waited in obvious expectation. The major crossed through the grass at the roadside and climbed the fence.

Then only faint blue water, faint blue mists, faint blues and greens and greys of peaks looming through varying distance, and beyond all, towering ghost-white into the east, the glorious spectre of Daisen. And my heart sinks a moment under the rush of those vivid memories which always crowd upon one the instant after parting memories of all that make attachment to places and to things.

They were making the fast touches of preparation for the second stage of the great war trail arranging clothing, light supplies of food, and, above all, ammunition. Then they left at night in their canoe. As they approached the mainland, all, as if by involuntary impulse, looked back at the haunted island, looming darkly in the night. "It was no haunted island for us," said Paul.

That doesn’t apply to the master of the house, who never talked much. He sat there mostly silent and looming up three sizes bigger than any of them.” “The ruler of the aviary,” I muttered viciously. “It annoys you that I should talk of that time?” she asked in a tender voice. “Well, I won’t, except for once to say that you must not make a mistake: in that aviary he was the man.

Then, extending his hand cordially, he added: "May all success attend your efforts, Marquis, to smooth over this looming quarrel between ourselves and our friendly trade-rivals! I, for one, would not have it go further. I shall see you again at the Council during the week." As the premier's hand met that of his Sovereign, the latter exclaimed suddenly: "Ah!