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"And," added Bobolink, also badly winded, though he would chatter; "now to see Paul get one of the other fellows on the line, to wig his wag at us, or do something that sounds that way. There he goes at it. And looky there, they've been watching us climb, I reckon, because almost before Paul made the first sign, that other fellow began sendin'."

"Looky here, young feller, it won't do yer any good to get flip!" "I'm not going to get flip." "Don't yer know that it's agin the law to play on a moosical instrument after eleven P. M.?" "No, sir, I didn't know it. Are you going to have me executed for it? Because if you are, I hope that you'll let me consult a spiritual adviser, first." "You're too fresh, young feller. I might have let yer off "

"Looky!" exclaimed Steve, "here's where a five-pronged buck must 'a' rubbed himself against this tree, because there's a big bunch of red hair sticking to the rough bark. Glory! Wouldn't I like to have been about over there by the log when he was doing it. Oh, such a shot!" "You could hardly have missed him from there," laughed Max. "What next?" asked the disappointed one.

She was in the front hall, when the sunshine departed rather abruptly, and she jumped for joy, pointing to the open door. "Look! Looky there!" she called to her brother. Richly ornamented, he was descending the front stairs, his embellishments including freshly pressed white trousers, a new straw hat, unusual shoes, and a blasphemous tie. "I'm goin' to get to sail my boat," Jane shouted.

The directions had turned out to be exact, from the three-mile tramp along the stream and the "seven birches, count 'em"; to the winding trail that led from that point deeper into the woods. "Looky there, isn't that some sort of high wire fence?" demanded Steve, suddenly.

"Looky," he cried. "Pretty " To his astonishment and joy, Little Mystery put out a hand and placed the tip of her tiny forefinger on the girl's face. Then she looked up into Pelliter's eyes. "Mama," she lisped. Pelliter tried to speak, but something rose like a knot in his throat and choked him. A fire leaped all at once through his body; the joy of that one word blinded him with hot tears.

"Thought it was money matters his stinginess, you know." "He wasn't stingy! He wouldn't give me an allowance, but he was generous in every other way. And that's why " "Why you came to my 'gambling house' to try to pick up a little ready cash! I know. But now looky here, Eunice, you've got to decide either you're with me or agin me! I won't have any blow hot, blow cold!

"I never said nothing of the kind." "Well, what DID you say, then?" "Said he come to take the sea BATHS that's what I said." "Well, then, how's he going to take the sea baths if it ain't on the sea?" "Looky here," I says; "did you ever see any Congress-water?" "Yes." "Well, did you have to go to Congress to get it?" "Why, no."

Can't remember the name. I was on my vacation two weeks. Maybe it was then. Can't you find it in the book?" "No." "Know the date?" Kirby shook his head. The voice of Rose, high with excitement, came from across the room. "Looky here." Her finger ran down the book, close to the binding. A page had been cut out with a sharp penknife, so deftly that they had passed it twice without noticing.

"I'll show you a little how we do up at the Third." "Up at the Third!" Sam repeated with scorn. "You haven't ever been up there." "I haven't?" cried Penrod. "No, you haven't!" "Looky here!" Penrod, darkly argumentative, prepared to perform the eye-to-eye business. "When haven't I been up there?" "You haven't NEVER been up there!"