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'Oh no, sir, replied the respectable Parker; 'the young gentleman as just left us came from the City with Miss Longworth. 'Did he, indeed? Where did you pick him up, Parker? 'We picked him up in Cheapside, sir. 'Ah, indeed; and with that, muttering some imprecations on the cheek of Kenyon, he stepped into the carriage and drove home.

Why could not the business be transacted here; or perhaps a room might be had on this floor that would do perfectly well; then we should be close together, and able to communicate when necessary. 'Longworth seems to think differently. He says you must impress the public, and so he is going in for fine offices. 'Yes, but who is to pay for them?

Miss Longworth, who had a talent for reading the unspoken thoughts of John Kenyon, probably did not need to be told the end of the sentence. 'Are you going to the village? she asked. 'I was going. I am not going now. 'That's right. I was just about to invite you to turn round with us.

There I found my brothers Lampson and Hoyt employed in the "Gazette" printing-office, and spent much time with them and Charles Anderson, Esq., visiting his brother Larz, Mr. Longworth, some of his artist friends, and especially Miss Sallie Carneal, then quite a belle, and noted for her fine voice, On the 20th I took passage on the steamboat Manhattan for St. Louis; reached Louisville, where Dr.

Among the most eminent and useful citizens of the state was Nicholas Longworth, who came from New Jersey to Cincinnati, when just of age, in 1803. He was first to introduce the culture of grapes and the making of wine into Ohio; he planted the Catawba vine on the uplands of Cincinnati, where it flourished till the destruction of the forests changed the climate.

Mildmay standing before her. "Mr. Mildmay!" she exclaimed, holding out her hand. "Why, how glad I am to see you again!" "And I you, Miss Longworth," he answered heartily, "but to be frank with you, I would rather have met you somewhere else." The colour which had suddenly streamed into her cheeks faded away, and she sighed.

"Do you mind," he said, "if we don't discuss it? I fancy that Miss Longworth has her own reasons for wishing not to be talked about, and in any case a smoking-room is scarcely the proper place to discuss her. I think I will go to bed, if you don't mind." Littleson shrugged his shoulders as the Englishman disappeared. "Touchy lot, these Britishers," he remarked.

He was very glad to get the assistance of Longworth; the name itself was a tower of strength in the City. Then, Kenyon's letter from the North was encouraging. Thinking of the letter brought the writer of it to his mind, so he took a telegraph-form from his desk, and wrote a message to the address given on the letter. 'Everything right.

Longworth, in a letter, thus graphically describes his visit: "'I took the opportunity, whilst at Mosul, of visiting the excavations of Nimroud. But before I attempt to give a short account of them, I may as well say a few words as to the general impression which these wonderful remains made upon me, on my first visit to them. I should begin by stating, that they are all under ground.

Listen. Young Colum and Starkey. George Roberts is doing the commercial part. Longworth will give it a good puff in the Express. O, will he? I liked Colum's Drover. Yes, I think he has that queer thing genius. Do you think he has genius really? Yeats admired his line: As in wild earth a Grecian vase. Did he? I hope you'll be able to come tonight. Malachi Mulligan is coming too.