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The locoed horses he decided to leave until morning. By the time he had reached his homestead and fallen out of the saddle, he had forgotten that he had sworn to tie them up and "whale" them. On the contrary, he was wondering if milking were a difficult process and if he could accomplish it, for he could not find it in his heart to let a dumb brute suffer.

They called the dark man Porter, the big blue-eyed one DeWitt, and the yellow-haired one Newman." Rhoda clasped her hands with a little murmur of relief. "The blue-eyed one acted as if locoed. They cursed much at a name, Kut-le. But otherwise they talked little. They went that way," pointing back over the trail. "They had found a scarf with a stone tied in it "

After a long tense period of silence, however, Sam Brewster said: "Daughter, it can't be true!" "'Tis, though, Mr. Brewster! Polly and I crawled through the tunnel until we came out into that marvelous cavern of gold," and Eleanor sighed audibly as she thought of that sight. "What cavern! You-all must be clean locoed with the blizzard and the long ride!" cried Mr. Brewster, testily.

He hadn't that hold on the pop'lar heart; didn't fill sech a place in the gen'ral eye; an' so, barrin' a word or two of wonder, over their drink at the Red Light, I don't reckon now the Wolfville folks disturbs themse'fs partic'lar about the camp bein' shy Charlie. "It's the second day when a teamster, trackin' over from Red Dog, developes what's left of Locoed Charlie.

Lancaster thrust his head through the hole. Between the scantlings that penned Simon into his part of the lean-to, the section-boss spied two glowing eyes. They watched him, then the door, then him again. "M-m-m-m!" came a deep protest, as the bull blew and pawed at the dirt floor. The section-boss drew back nervously. "Simon's actin' funny," he said. "He's locoed, or he's smelt a mice."

An' they all shut up when Bland told who an' what your Dad was. 'Pears to me I once seen your Dad in a gunscrape over at Santone, years ago. Wal, I put my oar in to-day among the fellers, an' I says: 'What ails you locoed gents? Did young Duane budge an inch when Bo came roarin' out, blood in his eye? Wasn't he cool an' quiet, steady of lips, an' weren't his eyes readin' Bo's mind?

"'What sort of a game is this, anyhow? says Dan Boggs, who, while we stands thar, has been pawin' over the Red Dog man's rifle. 'Looks like this vivacious party's plumb locoed. Yere's his hind-sights wedged up for a thousand yards, an' he's been a-shootin' of cartridges with a hundred an' twenty grains of powder into 'em.

Stewart seemed kind of chokin', an' he seemed to hev been bewildered by the idee of Hawe's confrontin' you. "An' finally he burst out: 'But, man, think who it is! It's Miss Hammond! If you seen her, even if you was locoed or drunk, you you couldn't do it. "'Couldn't I? Wal, I'll show you damn quick. What do I care who she is? Them swell Eastern women I've heerd of them. They're not so much.

"Right there we drawed up a protoplasm, by the terms of which he was to laugh anyways twice at meal-times. "He told me that he reckoned he was locoed, and always had been since a youngster, when the Injuns run in on them down at Frisbee, the time of the big 'killing. Kink saw his mother and father both murdered, and other things, too, which was impressive, but not agreeable for a growing child.

The two ponies sent showers of sand all over Billy, who eyed them in pugnacious disgust. "Of all th' locoed imps that ever made life miserable fer a man, them's th' worst! Is there any piece of fool nonsense they hain't harnessed me with?" He beseeched of Buck. "Is there anything they hain't done to me?